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As title states, I'm having problems with infinity focus on my 18mm Cooke Speed Panchro f1.7 (Arri-S mount, no rehoused) on my RED DRAGON 6K (WEAPON), and there could be a number of factors in play I was hoping someone could shed a light on the most likely issue. The "symptom" (or issue) I'm facing is when turned to infinity, the image is currently out of focus (it's not soft like focusing past infinity, it's actually out of focus - not totally so, but it seems to be focused on a plane before infinity). There are a few things in play here which I will state below (which I think any of which could be causing the issue). (1) I have a RafCamera Arri-S to Arri PL adapter fit on. I'm not new to this adapter, and I'm using 2 of these for my Cooke Speed Panchro 32mm and Cooke Kinetal 50mm respectively on RED GEMINI and RED KOMODO and they work okay, no issue at all. They focus fine to infinity, and focus ring is smooth. However, with this newest lens and adapter I got, without the adapter on, the focus turns quite fine as well; once the adapter is on, the focus ring is noticeably a little bit more resistant to turning (but still turn-able with a follow focus unit). (2) The 18mm CSP seems mechanically different to my existing 32mm CSP and 50mm Cooke Kinetal. The 18mm I noticed has 2 rings, one for focus, one for aperture. The 32mm CSP and 50mm Kinetal does not have a seperate ring for Aperture, and aperture is adjusted by turning the front of the lens. (I'm not sure if this is even a factor, I'm simply stating an observation). (3) My RED DRAGON 6K has a Low Light Optimized OLPF (filter) fit on. I just took over this unit, and it comes with Low Light Optimized OLPF - I'm in the midst of getting the Skin Tone Highlight OLPF instead (because I don't shoot Low Light), and I've kinda read that Low Light generally can affect infinity focus, though again, I'm not sure if it actually causes inifnity focus to go off this much. (4) I'm not sure if my RED DRAGON 6K has had its backfocus adjusted. The backfocus may have been adjusted for the previous lenses it housed, but I'm not sure and I can't really check because the seller was a production house that has clocked over 3.3K hours on the unit, and they've used it with other cameras for multiple productions and shoots - they don't really remember if they did adjust the backfocus on the unit. Although, does backfocus affect infinity focus? That one, I'm not sure. (5) My RED DRAGON 6K uses the older Titanium PL Mount. I'm not sure if this is even a consideration, but it simply is an observation against my RED GEMINI which uses the (newer) Magnesium PL Mount - as far as I know, the difference between the two PL mounts is only in terms of make and weight, but I'm not sure. I'm not looking for the one solution at this stage, but I was hoping to save some time hopefully if I could get help and eyes from more experienced shooters on what might be the most likely culprit as to what's happening here. Thanks in advance!
Please email for pricing and details. For Sale:CINEMA LENSES: Arri Signature Primes Set Includes: 25/35/47/75mm NEW OPEN BOXCooke S4/i Set Includes: 18/25/32/50/75/100mm Ft. Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75mm Van Diemen Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm TLS Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50/75/100mm P&S Cooke Speed Panchro Set Includes: 18/25/32/40/50mm (Rehoused Eastern Enterprises)Cooke Anamorphic 65 Macro Lens Cooke Varotal 18-100mm T3 Zoom LensLomo Amamorphic Square Front Set Includes: 35/50/80mm JUST LISTEDLeica Thalia Set Includes: 30/35/45/70/100mm Leica Summilux-C Set Includes: 18/21/25/29/35/40/50/65/75/100mmLeica Summicron-C Set Includes: 18/21/25/29/35/50/75/100/135mm PRICE REDUCEDLeica Summicron-C Set Included: 18/21/25/35/50/75/100mm Zeiss Standard Speeds MKII Set Includes: 16/24/32/50/85mm Zeiss Super Speed MKIII Set: 18/25/35/50/85mm PRICE REDUCED(Coated & Uncoated Front Elements For Each Focal Length) Zeiss CP2 15mm T2.9 EF Mount JUST LISTEDZeiss CP2 Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/85mm PL & EF Mounts & Case MetricZeiss LightWeight Zoom LWZ.3 21-100mm/ T2.9 PL/EF Mount JUST LISTED Arri/Zeiss 75mm Master Anamorphic Prime LDS T1.9 NEW IN BOX Arri/Zeiss 100mm Master Anamorphic Prime LDS T1.9 NEW IN BOX Arri/Zeiss Master Anamorphic Flare Set For 28mmAngenieux Anamorphic 56-152mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 28-76mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 30-80mm Zoom LensAngenieux Optimo DP 16-42mm Zoom LensArri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 16/20/24/28/32/40/50/65/85/100/135mm Ft. Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Set Includes: 14/16/20/24/32/40/50/65/85/100/135/180mm Metric Canon CN-E 14.5-60mm Zoom Lens Canon 17-120mm Zoom PL LensFujinon Cabrio 19-90mm V2 Zoom Lens Red 18-150mm T3.0 Zoom Lens Focus Optics Ruby 14-24mm LensCAMERAS:Arri Alexa LF Camera Package PRICE REDUCEDArri Alexa Mini Camera Package Arri Alexa SXT Plus Camera PackageArri Amira Premium 4K Camera Package Hours-250 Arri Alexa XT Studio Camera PackageArri Alexa XT Camera PackageArri Alexa Studio Camera Package Arri Alexa Plus Camera Package w/1400 HoursArri Alexa Plus 4:3 Camera Package Arri Alexa EV Camera PackagePhantom Flex 4K 64GB Camera Package Phantom Miro 320S Camera Package Red DSMC2 MONSTRO 8K VV (Woven Carbon Fiber) Camera Package JUST LISTED New Condition Only 25 hoursCanon EOS C700 FF Camera Packages Qty.-2 Available Canon EOS C500 EF & PL Mount Qty.-2 AvailableSony PMW-F5 w/4K upgrade Low Hours Qty.-2 Available Sony HSC 100 Camera Chains Qty.-3 Available Panasonic HPX 3700 Camera PackagesMISCELLANEOUS: Teradek Bolt 500 Transmitter/Receiver & Accessories NEW35mm FILM CAMERAS:Arriflex 235 4 Perf Kit Includes 7 Mags, 4 Batteries, 2 Chargers,etc.Arriflex BL4Arriflex BL3 Arri 35/3Arri 435ES 4 Perf KitArri 535B 4 Perf KitFILM AKS:Arri SR3 24V Battery ChargerArri SR2 400' Magazines Qty.-2Arri SR3 400' Magazines Qty-2S16/16mm FILM LENSES:Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 6mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 9.5mm Cooke SK4 S16 Lens 12mm Zeiss S16 High Speed 9.5 T1.3 MKIIZeiss 10-100 T2 MKII 16mm B MountLooking For : (Preowned) To Purchase Kowa Anamorphic Lens Set Angenieux Optimo 19.5-94mm Zeiss S16mm SS Lens SetArri 416 Film Kits Arricam LT Film Kits Aaton Minima Kits Aaton XTR Prod Kits Sony SCL-PK6L/F Set 20/25/35/50/85/100mm Ft.
Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with me. I'm going to be DP on a friend's shortfilm and they want to use the Red Scarlet W with a Dragon sensor. I'm excited about that because I have never used a RED camera, but I have some questions, specially since I won't have acces to the camera pretty much till the shooting day. How do you expose for this camera? I know it sounds like a dumb question but I'm really asking, where do you put your 18% gray? and how's your experience with your technique? I like using my light meter to set exposure, but now with a variety of cameras available and manufacturers putting 18% gray wherever they want it's complicated. Here is my point: I have an Ursa Mini 4.6k and it's a great camera. I tested the camera using an 18% gray card and some other tests and I determined that in order to get proper exposure without correcting in post I have to overexpose the camera by almost two stops. I set ISO 800 on the camera and ISO 250 on my light meter, and I get what I consider proper exposure. There is a video where Shane Hurbult tests the camera and he gets pretty much the same results. I guess it was sort of embarrasing for Blackmagic to say their camera is rated at ISO 250 so they said it's a ISO 800 camera like REd and Alexas, but by doing that they are forcing people to under expose a camera that doesn't have tolerance to underexposure. It's a great camera, if you expose it properly and that is not at ISO 800. I know they are trying to protect the highlights, so their camera looks good, but I know how to take care of my dynamic range and I rather take it to the limits taking my own decisions. Is there something similar with RED cameras? How do you expose for RED specially with a light meter? Do you over expose or underexpose for some reason? Do you get more noise if you underexpose it? How far would you take ISO and still get a decent image? I'm not lazy, I did read the manual, but knowing that manufacturers play games with specs I rather have some info from people who have experience using the camera or I may say the sensor. Thanks in advance for your help.