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  1. I'm very excited to share this piece I DP'ed a year ago, we all had great time with this one. I'm very interested in learning, so all feedback and insights are welcome. Cheers! I Need My Space is a humorous tale of infidelity, frustration, and ultimately adventure. The story is focused upon the life of elderly engineer, Esko and his unfaithful and nagging wife Tarja. Looking for an escape from a life that is an unsatisfactory mix of dull and painful, Esko decides to build his own rocket ship and blast himself into space. The award-winning independent film was shot over the course of 4 days and with a budget of only €1200. The film will be released for public viewing on June 21st, 2017.
  2. http://movietrailers.apple.com/movies/sony_pictures/passengers/passengers-trailer-1_h1080p.mov Trailer came out today, releases same day as Rogue One. Sci-fi pic about a man & a woman waking up 90 years too early on a spaceship, and everything that ensues. Morten Tyldum (The Imitation Game) is directing and the Black List script has been around since 2007, written by Jon Spaihts (early drafts of Prometheus, Doctor Strange), Keanu Reeves was attached for a while, so were Emily Blunt, Rachel McAdams, etc. Rodrigo Prieto shot this on Alexa 65 & Primo 70 (at least, that's what IMDB says, the Alexa 65 stuff is 100 % true though). This is definitely, along with Live By Night, some of the best Alexa 65 footage I've seen, Prieto is a great great DP, looks cool. On an unrelated subject, I was wondering. At about 10K a day for Alexa 65 + optics + Codex Vault 65 rental, how do these big productions (like Assassin's Creed, Live By Night, etc) justify shooting on Alexa 65? It'd be much cheaper to shoot on film, hell, maybe 65mm would be cheaper than Alexa 65, I don't really get it, not to mention the insane logistics that must be involved in processing the footage, and that kind of data. Maybe the 6K rez is great for the VFX people, but it's not like anamorphic 35mm is that far off.
  3. Surprised to see no one talking about it. This is a new show by The Duffer Brothers (who directed an indie thriller Hidden, and wrote a couple of episodes of the first season of Wayward Pines) on Netflix. It starts Winona Ryder, David Harbour (who's everywhere these days ^^), Matthew Modine and a bunch of wonderful kid actors y'all be hearing about soon enough. It's set in the 80's, and basically, it's a mashup of everything you love if you're into that stuff, meaning it has elements of sci-fi mode Spielberg, ala E.T, Super 8, Stephen King, you got a group of kids, one of them disappearing, a weird girl in a hospital gown that runs into them and is special, you got the kids on bikes, you got the heavy sci-fi element, the mystery element, the supernatural element, the great soundtrack with a heavy synth score, wonderful cinematography and you get a not to miss show. Tim Ives (Mr Robot pilot) shot the hell out of it, it's basically a series that looks like it cost much more than it probably did, extremely high production values, fantastic cinematography, shot on Red Dragon and Leica lenses (confirmed to me by Tim Ives). Binge it, embrace it, love it.
  4. I'd like to introduce you to The Nostalgist, my latest sci-fi short film that featured on the American Cinematographer (Short Takes section - December 2014) and it is now available online for free on Youtube via WIRED. The cinematography is by Gareth Munden (Lotus Eaters) and the camera operator is Peter Taylor (Jungle Book, Gravity, Kick-Ass, Gladiator). Here’s the link to the film: https://youtu.be/ZzCQtoQ8ypk The film was shot in London over seven days in 2013 with a mixed crew of newcomers and highly skilled professionals and a cast led by French star Lambert Wilson (Suite Francaise, Of Gods and Men, The Matrix Reloaded) and British child actor Samuel Joslin (Paddington, The Impossible). It was shot in 5K with Anamorphic Lenses (Xtal Express) using Red Epic Cameras. The RAW footage was converted in EXR files for the VFX and then re-exported in DPX for the Color Grading. The film was graded at Company 3 (London) by Greg Fisher. The Nostalgist received its worldwide festival premiere at the Palm Springs Short Fest in June 2014, where it was awarded the runner-up prize for live-action short over 15 minutes, and it received its European premiere at the Giffoni Film Festival in Italy in July 2014, where it was awarded the first prize as Best Short Film in its Generator 18+ (fiction) section. The short also was also selected for the LA Shorts Fest and FantasticFest in Austin, and its UK premiere was at the BFI London Film Festival in October 2014 in the CULT section. I hope you will enjoy it and of course if you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me.
  5. https://vimeo.com/89732554
  6. I shot this music video recently for the band Amber States. It's the first thing I've shot with the BMCC and it's also the first time I've used Davinci Resolve. I love the camera (quirks be damned!) I've grown fond of Davinci too even though it had me pulling out my hair with frustration. I'd like to go back and re-grade the video some time because I got some lovely footage but I think I hurt the quality through lack of experience with the software. Anyway enough waffle, here's the video: http://vimeo.com/94791411
  7. How did this one pass me by!!! Just out in cinemas today is a new Sci-Fi movie from none other than Terry Gilliam: Apparently shot on what was a very low budget for Terry Gilliam and in a bit of a rush but they apparently still shot on 35mm film in spite of the fact there appears to be a lot of green screen in the movie. Here's what Terry had to say about how the production went: http://www.3news.co.nz/Terry-Gilliam-reveals-nightmare-filming-of-Zero-Theorem/tabid/418/articleID/335921/Default.aspx I'm a bit surprised by this as I had heard nothing about the movie being in production at all and it is out right now! Freya
  8. Hello Everyone, I'm looking for feedback on my latest short film, The Brute Killer. Please let me know what you think of it. Here's the link: Thanks...Tom
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