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Found 8 results

  1. Braun Nizo 801 in good shape film tested light meter is working (see pictures), comes with batteries and aluminum case. Camera is located in Switzerland asking 750$, shipping and taxes are not included.
  2. Hello, does anyone know if the Braun Nizo 156XL is able to tell the difference between tungsten vs daylight cartridges? Just curious if it’ll automatically remove filter out of the way when using daylight film and vice versa? According to the manual these are the film speeds/types the camera recognizes: 40 and 160 ASA [17 and 23 DIN] with artificial light colour film 25 and 100 ASA [15 and 21 DIN] with daylight colour film 40 and 160 ASA [17 and 23 DIN] with black and white film Judging from the text above it appears that the camera does recognize the difference between daylight and tungsten film…but just wanted to be absolutely sure, as there is a button on the camera to manually engage/remove filter. Not sure if I need to manually engage/disengage the filter before shooting… Would appreciate any guidance/help
  3. Planning to shoot a project with a Nizo 6080. I was wondering if it was possible to somehow rig a bullet camera or something of the sort to use as a video assist. I've seen stuff on the internet from 10 years about about how to do this with Beaulieus, but nothing about Nizos or posted recently. Anyone have any experience with this, or know which bullet cam models or rigging methods might work with a Nizo viewfinder? Preferably without spending a ton of money or a lot of complex engineering to build it. Doesn't need to be fancy, just functional - I’m a student self-funding the project. Alternatively, would buying one of those old Zigview monitors work? How would I set that up to my circular viewfinder? All their models seem to have been made for rectangular SLR viewfinders and I can’t tell if any of the adapters might work. None one currently selling one on Ebay offers returns, so if i bought one I want to be absolutely sure I’m getting one that will fit my camera.
  4. Hi everyone. I just bought a Braun Macro MZ 864 and I'm having problems working out how to control the exposure. I have put new batteries in for everything and while the motor runs fine, the light meter doesn't seem to work. Usually I shoot with an external light meter anyway so was hoping to do it this time too. But I can't for the life of me figure out how I can adjust or set aperture/shutter-speed on this camera. Does anyone out there know? Or have the manual? Any help would be much, much appreciated! Thanks, Sophie
  5. SUPER 8 STUFF FOR SALE = Bolex 680 + Aspheron Wide Lens £100 Revue TM 8 £75 Bolex Aspheron Wide Lens £30 Sankyo XL-420 £60 Sankyo XL-620 £100 Canon 514XL-S + 43mm C-8 Wide Lens £100 Canon AF514XL-S AUTO FOCUS £100 Canon 67mm C-8 Wide Lens £100 Braun Nizo 6080 Matte Box Cased Kit £300 All prices in GB Pounds. - Everything in excellent cosmetic condition, professionally serviced and fully tested. :)
  6. All fully serviced by a qualified technician and all are carefully film tested by myself. Smooth operation, excellent cosmetic condition and crystal clear lenses. Braun Nizo 6080 Matte Box Kit - £299.99 GB Pounds Minolta Autopak-8 D6 - £79.99 GBP Yashica Electro 8 LD-4 - £59.99 GBP Canon 514XL-S with C-8 Wide Lens - £99.99 GBP Payments accepted via PayPal and shipping prices are not included (charged at actual cost). Please just contact me for all the details. Bill :)
  7. All film tested and fully functioning with crystal clear lenses: Braun Nizo 6080 Matte Box Cased Kit £250 GB Pounds Bolex 5122 £150 GB Pounds Elmo 1012 S-XL £150 GB Pounds Payment by PayPal plus actual shipping cost will be added (please ask for quote).
  8. WONDERFUL specimen in the original aluminium case. With a crystal clear lens that has been recently tested with Tri-X and 100D. £250 GB Pounds plus shipping.
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