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Found 8 results

  1. Hi Canon 7D FGV-PL7D #7160 Base support with rods for focus, matte Box & accessories. 4 x batteries & charger, 4x 8GB CF cards, HDMI cable, connections protector (HDMI, A/V out & Mic). $1200 OBO https://davidnamir.wixsite.com/vintage-beyond-retro/canon-7d-pl-moun David
  2. Recently I found an article showing Angenieux 12-240mm adapted to be used on Canon 7D making it a 38mm-768mm lens on APC sensor or 24-480mm in 35mm. Would this set-up work? Angenieux 12-120mm (cameflex) > M4/3 (adapter made by Hawk) > Doubler (teleconverter) > M4/3 to Canon EOS adapter > Canon 7D.
  3. Please see my link below - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300956657013?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  4. here is the first segment of this little TV Show im doing to practice with some gear I just got. Feel Free to give me some Pointers for upcoming episodes.. I have shot 5 segments already. Please subscribe if you enjoy it :) thanks for the help guys
  5. Here's my latest short film which I did a lot of experiments for regarding Cinematography. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5lJ9C5XWqw
  6. HI all, I'm very new to Forums and hope I'm doing this right! :) I'm hoping to get into Cinematography after my University course has finished. Just thought I'd share my most resent piece of work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5lJ9C5XWqw Regards, Aaron Rogers
  7. Hey guys! I'm 17 years old and started out as an amateur cinematographer about four years ago. I've been doing a few amateur shortfilms and other stuff so far, but never totally on my own. Last fall I got the ultimate opportunity to join a production/filmgroup as their new technical manager and cinematographer. The group consisted of four boys, who'd produced two feature-lenght films before and they took a pretty big risk with me, a girl who'd never worked this professional and with that much responsibility. Anyways, we shoot the movie last week and I used a Canon EOS 7D. While going trough the material we noticed a white spot near the center of the image. Examining the spot closer, I realized it must be a pixel error on one of the lenses I used. It consists of four pixels (white and three gray tones) and to my misfortune it's clearly visible on most of the footage. Now, I'm familar with all Adobe programs and Cinema 4D and my question would be: Has anyone got some advice how I could cover, erase or fade the spot easily? I'd be so happy about any help. It would really be lifesaving! Bye for now and thanks in advance! Desirée
  8. Hey everyone, I just wrapped up my first music video. Definitely a lot of things learned to improve workflow next time around but I'm relatively happy with the result. I would appreciate any advice on how to improve the next one and opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of this one. Thanks, Frank
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