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Found 5 results

  1. Like the subject line says, I am crazy and want to convert my Contax Zeiss set (f2.8/25, 1.4/35, 1.4/50, 1.4/85) to anamorphic PL. How stupid or expensive (most likely, both) is this idea, and who would you recommend to do such an insane task? The FAQ mentioned many anamorphics started out as Zeiss lenses in the first place. Joe Dunton : JDC comes to mind but if you have better ideas, I’d love to hear it. Thanks!
  2. Hey everybody, I'm trying to find a matte box to use for an upcoming project (whenever that might be considering this pandemic), and in the process I was offered an old Super16 camera matte box for 15mm Studio rods at a good price. I've seen brackets available that allow you to use a 15mm LWS matte box on 19mm and 15mm Studio rods, but I'm curious if there are any options to use a 15mm Studio matte box with 15mm LWS rods. I imagine this is possible even with the offset, but I wouldn't know. Should I pass?
  3. Hello everyone! I will be shooting a small home movie for my family. My sis in law has a newborn coming soon and I i wanted to shoot in black and white. I will be shooting inside the hospital and her room. I was thinking for the extra light that I might need, shooting in Kodak 200t and converting to black and white in FCP. I'm new to this, but i'm thinking the extra speed over 7266 will get me slightly better exposure. I will be using my Canon 310xl. My question is, doing a 200t to B&W conversion, will anything be lost? shadow/high-light detail? I am also getting processed/scanned by the pro labs (not sure if that matters). OR should I just get the Tri-X 7266 and shoot with confidence. I mean, the 310xl has a pretty wide aperture so I can see how it can be used with no issues. Thanks in advance!
  4. I have my movie in about 150,000 dpx files. I need to create a .mov proress 444. Everyone is telling me to use davinci resolve (lite) since it's free. However, I am reading that you can only output HD and SD and I need it in 2k... I had it color corrected by a colorist using da vinci... and they left the country. I have FCP and compressor. not compressor 4 though. I tried color, and FCP and compressor but nothing works... does Compressor 4 work or is there a software I could get a demo or trial version of and do this myself?
  5. Having trouble getting videos of of my memory card into any editing software. It says the files are CPI files... Any ideas?
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