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Found 3 results

  1. I've got a few photography related 16mm films in the Archive. One is a fantastic 16mm salesman's reel on flash photography. (non-Kodak.) This one on paper looks interesting. Hopefully it has some of the paper coating production. It will be a long time before it ever gets scanned. You know the story with trying to get a scanner. Some samples from the Kodak paper film... photos: eBay <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. Hey all, hoping for a bit of advice. Having some trouble with an approaching s16mm shoot- a darkroom scene. I was hoping to light mainly with practical florescent 2x4's and then to gel them fully red for some sequences. My question is: with the interior location, I thought I should shoot on 7219 500T... should I use tungsten tubes? Or would daylight tubes be better for the gel? I know daylight-balanced bulbs on tungsten stock will come away rather cyan, which I don't mind. But gelled, what should I expect? I could shoot on 250D, but am nervous that the light loss from the gels will give me a tough exposure. What setup of stock and bulbs (filtration?) do you think is best? Unfortunately, there just doesn't seem to be budget for tests. I also read in an older post here that there were issues with focusing, or that the image (red lit) will look soft. Is this a genuine focusing issue? Or should we just measure out as per usual? The last thing here that freaked me out was that someone noted that my light meter will give me an improper reading under these red conditions. Does anyone have any experience with this type of setup? Thanks so much for your input. Any advice would help!
  3. So I was thinking about getting a Beaulieu R16. Looks to be a fun camera, and they can all fit a magazine on top. However, I've been told that they can only hold 200 foot daylight spools, which I haven't seen for sale on line. So here are my questions. If I had empty 200 foot spools, could I halve a 400 foot reel from a core in a darkroom? Well, I know it's possible but my concern is knowing when I've reached the 200 foot mark. How would I measure that in a darkroom? The other question is probably more of a camera question, but if I wanted to for whatever reason could I use a 100 foot r90 spool in the 200 foot mag? Not as important of a question as the first one, but nice to know. Thanks all!
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