Specifically, I'm referring to activating the 'Timecode Trigger' on the indieASSIST HD Video Assist and triggering a recording on a monitor-recorder when the camera starts running. I can confirm the Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q+ as being compatible, but I'm searching for alternatives besides this unit.
I could not get the Video Devices PIX-E5/E7 to trigger a recording. And I've not personally tested, but I've heard from another user that the Atomos Ninja V+ is not being triggered. They had to manually start/stop the recordings. I'm curious to hear from others and their experience.
I guess another way to phrase the question, albeit very technical: does anyone know of any monitor-recorders, besides the Odyssey 7Q+, that can read the 'VITC2' flag embedded in the SDI stream? It seems many monitor-recorders are only looking for the 'VITC / VITC1' flag.
Thanks for any tips!