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WTB: B&H Filmo 70DR/HR Viewfinder

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  • Premium Member

I just picked up a 70HR with a motor and magazine for cheap, but some previous owner removed the viewfinder, which limits utility somewhat. Does anyone else happen to have a viewfinder, a complete film door, or a broken down parts camera they be willing to sell?

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Have you found a finder or the parts to cobble one together for your 70HR? Parts are scarce now.







What motor did you get with your camera? Does the motor work? The previous owner probably removed the HR finder and spacer block to accommodate a Zoom lens with a reflex 'dog leg' finder.  Fairly common back then. Too bad the original HR finder wasn't sent along with your camera. Be careful adapting a DR door and finder. There are slight differences between the DR door and DR finder and the HR door and HR finder. It all depends on how much you want to spend and how you are going to use the camera.



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I ordered a 70HR door from MPE, per Simon’s suggestion. $150 for a complete NOS door and finder assembly (with the correct HR spacer and idler gear) seems like a good deal to me.

Mine came with an AC motor, missing the nameplate so I can’t tell you specifics, and it seems to work fine. Smells a little ozone-y, so it probably needs new brushes, but I don’t see or hear sparks and it doesn’t make any untoward noises. 

Removing it to make room for a reflex finder is exactly what they did, as it came with a Pan-Cinor zoom. Shame they didn’t realize you can clock the viewfinder tube wherever you want to with that lens, which I believe can be rotated to an angle that clears the turret finder. 

I noticed the differences vs a DR door, specifically the extra cam to open the light valve when the door is locked, which rides in an extra boss that’s not present in the DR casting. 

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What you’re smelling is old grease. Ozone is only present while the motor is working and then not for long. It’s too volatile as to be noticeable at all.

I plan to produce a cast support saddle for Filmo and Eyemo. If interested, please let me know, it will help me establish a volume.

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