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Boomers arise!!

James Steven Beverly

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It's all about "desireable demographics". There are a lot people 65+ years old now as well, and the number is climbing. Who's making movies for them? Don't they want to spend some of that retirement money at the nickelodeon or go see a "talkie"?


Teens and singles make up a huge percentage of the movie going public so Hollywood caters to them.


When was the last time you heard of a politician trying to court the university student vote? Never. Why? Twenty some things don't vote, most don't even know there's an election on when there is one.



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> Twenty some things don't vote, most don't even know there's an election on when there is one.


I'd have to add, some of us know when elections are on (how the hell could you miss it these days) but take the decision not to vote because we don't want either set of scumbags to have our mandate...



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Seems to me that if someone is going to live in a democracy and reap the benefits, being asked to vote in an occasional election hardly seems too much to ask. From a U.S. perspective, who was elected President made a big difference in what foreign policy we implemented, so I don't buy the Ralph Nader argument that the two sides are the same.


Yes, more movies for adult audiences would be nice. I like comic book, fantasy, action movies, etc. but I'd also like some variety, some alternatives. But another problem is that a lot of those comic books movies are just plain bad, not that they are aimed at younger viewers. Some of them are an insult to the youth market, if that's what the studio thinks the younger viewers will accept for entertainment.

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Seems to me that if someone is going to live in a democracy and reap the benefits, being asked to vote in an occasional election hardly seems too much to ask.


Having the right not to vote is an important part of democracy, too, though.


In the UK it's very much a case of " 'I prefer the puppet on the left. Oh, I prefer the puppet on the right.' But there's just one guy operating them...." (to paraphrase Bill Hicks).


Or, as Ken Livingstone once said - " If voting made any difference, they'd have banned it years ago."

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Or, as Ken Livingstone once said - " If voting made any difference, they'd have banned it years ago."


In Canada, voting made a huge difference this past election. We finally got rid of the Liberals and all of a sudden all of our media wasn't quite so left leaning, our Prime Minister actually has a good relationship with President Bush and it looks like we're gonna get rid of some really stupid laws (consentual sex @ 14 is legal in Canada with any old man (or woman I guess?) who wants to take advantage of you).

As for teen movies, I think that these flicks are quite big in Asian countries. I'm really not into them though. Can you imagine being a cinematographer who got labeled as a high key, slick looking DP who does "kid movies".

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Hey Chris, since this thread has taken a political turn, I'm curious what your opinion is on the following subject: "Terrorism". Your new PM's buddy Bush and the rest of his party seem to want to use the constant threat of terrorism as an excuse to silence all political dissent in this country. Now, my impression is that those of you who live in Canada aren't getting whipped by this constant fearmongering. We're told that we're constant targets because of our "freedoms". Since you've got at least as much "freedom" in Canada as we do here, why don't Canadians live under the constant threat of terrorist attacks? (In fact, our own State Department has been advising Americans traveling abroad to claim to be "Canadian".) Something tells me either we've got a grossly misguided, provocative foreign policy, or we've got leadership that stays in power by playing the fear card. What do you think?

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Hey Chris, since this thread has taken a political turn, I'm curious what your opinion is on the following subject: "Terrorism". Your new PM's buddy Bush and the rest of his party seem to want to use the constant threat of terrorism as an excuse to silence all political dissent in this country. Now, my impression is that those of you who live in Canada aren't getting whipped by this constant fearmongering. We're told that we're constant targets because of our "freedoms". Since you've got at least as much "freedom" in Canada as we do here, why don't Canadians live under the constant threat of terrorist attacks? (In fact, our own State Department has been advising Americans traveling abroad to claim to be "Canadian".) Something tells me either we've got a grossly misguided, provocative foreign policy, or we've got leadership that stays in power by playing the fear card. What do you think?


What I said earlier doesn't mean that I completely agree with all of Harper's (our new PM) policies nor do I think that Bush has made all wise decisions. I'm just glad that our #1 protectors (since Canada doesn't have much of a military anymore) aren't being made fun of by our leadership.

Canada doesn't typically pick fights and we aren't much of a threat to other countries. Actually, I think that because our imigration laws are so slack, terrorists are infiltrating into our nation and planning something big from here. Harper is trying to tighten our imagration laws though.

Canada is also very friendly towards all races and religions which causes us to be less of a target.

Things aren't great in the US right now but I think that your country would be in a lot worse shape had the Democrats been in power for the last 4 years. The terrorists would have walked all over you. Their main strategy is fear and that's why you need someone with some boldness and courage in power. There may have been a point where Bush went over the top but he's not near the scumball that hollywood and CNN makes him out to be. Media and the Arts shape our society and that's why I'm involved in it.

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I don't not vote because I can't be bothered, it's a considered response to what I see as a pointlessly abstruse system of government (cp. proportional representation, coalition government, etc.) I live two hundred feet from the polling station. Hopefully watching the so-called "apathy vote" climb and climb can't be indefinitely ignored.


And in bed with Bush? 52 people died on the underground in London because our government is in bed with Bush. The man is a dangerous maniac.



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"What I said earlier doesn't mean that I completely agree with all of Harper's (our new PM) policies "


Excuse me what? Harper is the greatest PM Canada has had in its history, he's done more in two months for Canada than the scum bag Liberals did in 12 years.


I have a monument built to Harper in my family room. I used to hate my country, now I have faith in it again. Voting actually made a difference for once, as you pointed out.


Well sounds like you're more of a Harper supporter than a detractor, I'm just giving you a hard time :)


As for Americans claiming to be Canadian when they're abroad, Americans have done that for years. I travel to all parts of the globe and I have noticed a huge drop off in American tourists in other countries since 9/11.


I think it has to do with either Americans feeling unsafe outside of the USA, or Americans feeling that they are now a "hated" group by every one else on the planet. Certainly anti-Americanism is a world wide buisness.


Here's a good one for you during the recent summit in Mexico for Fox, Bush, and Harper, the Whitehouse press secratary called the Canadian Prime Minister by the WRONG name three(3) times!! He kept calling him Paul Martin the last PM. What kind of a press secratary can't even get the names of three world leaders right?


That's an excellent example of how high up Canada/USA relations matter to the Whitehouse. So long as we keep supplying the USA with oil and gas that's all that matters.



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From a U.S. perspective, who was elected President made a big difference in what foreign policy we implemented, so I don't buy the Ralph Nader argument that the two sides are the same.



So I assume that neither Bubba nor Osama knew anything about the bombing of the al-Shifa "Chemical Weapons Manufacturing Facility"?


And US pharmaceutical companies being a major contributor to both of Bubba's campaigns had nothing to do with the decision to go ahead with the bombing, as well?



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Politics are always fun on a message board, isn't it? Capt.Video - Looks like your question has gotten hijacked.


Hey man, what ya gonna do? Power To The People! Maybe some of them will make a politcal film that will help to change the world! So Right On brothers and sisters, take it to the street! Stick it to the man, keep on thuckin and claim this threat in the name of the people'. Peace Baby B)

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Working a posh hotel gig in Washington DC this morning, I heard a CEO state from the podium that "in the future, we will be able to pay for only 2 of 3 things: Payoff of the national debt, national defense, or health care for seniors." Who will win?


At the same hotel, I work with a Bosnian Muslim who has a huge picture of GWBush on his office wall. An associate recently asked him,


"But isn't Bush the enemy of the Muslim world?"


"On the contrary, in his own misguided way has has done more to mold the idea of Muslim unity than anyone in the last thousand years. We used to be numerous tribes fighting amonst ourselves, but in the next few years we will see ourselves as one people with a common cause!"


Sounds like GWB just created the United States of Islam.

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