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  • Premium Member



Here is the Kodak Sponsorship link.






"It is the policy of Eastman Kodak Company to consider unsolicited proposals, ideas and other information submitted from outside sources only on a non-confidential basis and wholly without obligation on the part of Kodak."




Ok, I guess that is Lawyers speak for "if we like your idea we won't acknowledge you submitted and therefore will not owe you anything.




"While Kodak values the goodwill of those who write suggesting we sponsor or affiliate with a certain party, the volume of such submissions is beyond our ability to respond."




Is that really really really really really true? Is the volume that great that Kodak cannot respond, via an email? Would it take 10 Kodak personnel working round the clock to answer all of those ideas? :unsure:


How does Santa Claus Do it?




"Therefore, Kodak can only consider proposals from agencies or other professionals authorized to represent the party seeking our support. Others will neither be reviewed nor answered. We appreciate your taking the time to visit our site and hope you understand our reasons for having to limit submissions in this way."




:blink: :blink: :angry:

  • Premium Member

The sponsorship link on the website is for all customers, so the volumes of requests can be overwhelming. As a professional cinematographer, you can also submit a request through your local Kodak technical and sales representative. For example, if you are seeking sponsorship of a local film festival, your local Kodak office may be more "in the loop" as far as the benefits of sponsorship and partnering with local productions.


Santa has countless unpaid elves. The elves at Kodak are busy improving imaging technology, making billions of feet of film, and helping customers. :rolleyes:

  • Premium Member
Santa has countless unpaid elves. The elves at Kodak are busy improving imaging technology, making billions of feet of film, and helping customers. :rolleyes:

Hey John, thanks for explaining how Santa Claus does it! :D


The phrasing just took me by surprise because at first it says Kodak has no liability if it views unsolicited material, but then at the end of the statement it seems to say that the idea won't even be viewed.

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