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It's the 2012 olympi-

Phil Rhodes

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Good grief.


Didn't I tell you this was going to be fundamentally vacuous and embarrassing?


Didn't I tell you?


They've sunk to the level of producing a logo which gives (literally, and seriously) gives people epileptic seizures in a desperate bid to hide the hopelessly obvious truth: they got a five year to draw this, using crayons, then presumably used some buzzwords to justify a multimillion price tag.


Oh well, one less reason to feel guilty about despising this place.



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Guest Tim Partridge

It's like a bad Kajagoogoo record sleeve.


I don't want to know how much it cost...

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What I find amazing is that I read theres a machine in London that actualy tests the posibility of a seizure being triggered. The article said they ran the spot through the machine and it failed. Does every bit of video displayed in london have to be passed through a 'epilepsy tester'? Only the Brits would come up with a machine like that. We beta test everything on the populous. If seizures are possible, we'll find out...eventually.

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Christopher Filmer rang BBC London 94.9FM to say he suffered a seizure while watching the footage on television and his girlfriend also suffered a fit and needed hospital treatment.


"The logo came up on TV and I was thinking about the 2012 Games and then I was out," he said.


I'm trying to get this picture out of my head!


I'm sure the graphic designers bought £400,000 worth of crack, smoked it all and then threw buckets of paint at a white wall. At least that's what it looks like.

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I'm sure the graphic designers bought £400,000 worth of crack, smoked it all and then threw buckets of paint at a white wall. At least that's what it looks like.


It's too straight edged for that.

They were sticking up strips of tape.


But who would let them have scissors?

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  • Premium Member

> theres a machine in London that actualy tests the posibility of a seizure being triggered


Yes, I sat next to the designer on the plane to IBC last year!


It is, so I'm told, necessarily somewhat approximate, but it exists. Uses knowledge about flash rates and colours (3Hz red to blue is apparently the worst) to look at the picture and evaluate it based on the image area covered. Smart piece of kit.



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It's too straight edged for that.

They were sticking up strips of tape.


But who would let them have scissors?



Agreed, they must have had masking tape, but I suspect the the same applies to that though. It all looks very random.

The logo does resemble someone pushing something over. It could be a reference to cow tipping. An excercise often undertaken by people doped and/or boozed up on something. Or perhaps a new olympic sport? It would only make it the 150th or so addition since they decided to bring the olympics back.

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