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creating lens files

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hi there,


i still dont quite understand which procedure to follow in order to create a lens file (for sony f900r) for a lens that isnt in the lens file menue....which parameters do i need to adjust manualy and how does it work? and would anyone notice if one would simply use a lens file of a similar lens??


i'm using a fujnon 4,5-59mm. the qualitiy of the lens varies big time depending on the focal lenght. so would it theoreticaly make sense to create 2 lens files for the same lens? one lens file for 4,5-30mm and the second for 31mm-59mm????? of course it's very likely that one won't have the time on set to switch from one lens file to the ohter. but question is if you would notice any bad side effects when using only one lens file...?


any ideas to that?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I may not have a complete answer for you, but I think I can point you in the right direction.


Why?- Chromatic Aberration. CAC lenses allow users to set values to soften or eliminate visible Chromatic Aberration in Lenses. CAC stands for "Chromatic Aberration Compensation" I'm not an expert with this stuff, so do your own research.


How?-I can't answer that one. Call a professional at Abel Cinetech and they can help you for sure. Recently we had our tech at Birns do this for us.


Some lenses do not have files for CAC, so this is where you'd need to talk to a professional video guy. Call around. I hope I was answering what you were asking.



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