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New telecin service in the UK

Pavan Deep

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Using Super 8 cameras with a widened gate (Max 8) is great for 16.9, but one of the problems is that hardly no one will do a professional telecine especially for negative super 8 and this wide frame in the UK. The only guys that seem to do it are Pro 8mm in the US.


I have come across an Ursa 444 machine with a Super 8 gate modified for the wider image. I know The Ursa is old but has been refurbished and has new tubes etc.


I need some advice from forum members as getting this machine and starting such a venture is a big comittment. Is there enough demand for a new service in the UK dedicated to Super 8 broadcast telecine?



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Using Super 8 cameras with a widened gate (Max 8) is great for 16.9, but one of the problems is that hardly no one will do a professional telecine especially for negative super 8 and this wide frame in the UK. The only guys that seem to do it are Pro 8mm in the US.


I have come across an Ursa 444 machine with a Super 8 gate modified for the wider image. I know The Ursa is old but has been refurbished and has new tubes etc.


I need some advice from forum members as getting this machine and starting such a venture is a big comittment. Is there enough demand for a new service in the UK dedicated to Super 8 broadcast telecine?




The problem is nobody is providing affordable developing services for Super 8 in the UK, restricting your possible cliental to archive and those who have enough time and effort to get lab work done abroad.


Also lots of the production labs do provide professional telecine services for super 8 anyway, the new lab in Soho (exTodd-AO/Soho Images) and I-Lab both provide it.


Film and Photo in Acton were considering of providing developing services for Super 8 but I don't know how expensive they are and if they are still considering it.


Its probably worth giving them a call and find out how bad or good their price is, before you invest your money.


Best of Luck,


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Using Super 8 cameras with a widened gate (Max 8) is great for 16.9, but one of the problems is that hardly no one will do a professional telecine especially for negative super 8 and this wide frame in the UK. The only guys that seem to do it are Pro 8mm in the US.


I have come across an Ursa 444 machine with a Super 8 gate modified for the wider image. I know The Ursa is old but has been refurbished and has new tubes etc.


I need some advice from forum members as getting this machine and starting such a venture is a big comittment. Is there enough demand for a new service in the UK dedicated to Super 8 broadcast telecine?




The problem is nobody is providing affordable developing services for Super 8 in the UK, restricting your possible cliental to archive and those who have enough time and effort to get lab work done abroad.


Also lots of the production labs do provide professional telecine services for super 8 anyway, the new lab in Soho (exTodd-AO/Soho Images) and I-Lab both provide it.


Film and Photo in Acton were considering of providing developing services for Super 8 but I don't know how expensive they are and if they are still considering it.


Its probably worth giving them a call and find out how bad or good their price is, before you invest your money.


Best of Luck,


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