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Soda and Gels

Jason Davenport

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Just wanted to say thanks for someone here, who told me about gelling windows with half water and half "flat" Sprite. Gaffed a show where I needed 6 4X4 windows gelled for couple days. Worked like a champ, peeled off like sticky window tint. Just needs a once over with window cleaner afterwords.


Thanks for the tip.

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Was it regular or diet? I'm guessing that the sugar in regular sprite would be what makes it stick, so any source of sugar would work.

-- J.S.


Either will work. Sprite (diet and regular) both become sticky when they dry.


I believe Jason was referring to my and robert duke's posts, which can be found here:





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Can the gels be reused after the squeegee/sprite method or do they become too gunked up and sticky? Just curious. I've gelled windows with snot tape and water before but not sprite..


The gel is wasted. Anytime you gel a window the gel becomes trash. any wrinkle or crease in the gel can show up if it is reused. Like wise scratches and gunk also render gel unusable.


Now before I get a lot of responses about it worked for you...


You can reuse gel if you are willing to deal with those possible issues. you can be ultra careful and reuse gel, you can take the time to delicately clean the gunk off each piece and reuse it. However everytime you handle it you risk scratching bending or aggravating any other reason that would make it unusable.


Gel is an expendable. I know low and ultra low budgets try to cut as many corners and reuse as much as possible.


now you can use hard gels or quickframes to gel windows repeatedly. hard gels are plexiglass sheets that are tinted. they come in a variety of colors densities, and manufacturers. very pricey.


Quickframes are homedepot/lowes and are snap together window screen material frames. they are easy to assemble and you can make them almost any size. you can then change out different ND densities quickly and efficiently. HOWEVER the gel can flex in the wind and become visible.


There is always a solutions not always one you can afford.


you can have:

good or cheap or fast


Pick two.

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