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Introduction/Technical Help

Alex Zustra

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So this is a sort of dual purpose thread. First, Hi. My name is Alex, I recently graduated from Ohio University with a degree in video production, probably going back eventually for a masters in film. Trying to find a job, to no avail. I've been lurking on this forum for a while, just to learn as much as possible, but I find myself reading threads and feeling like I haven't learned a thing about the technical side of filmmaking. I consider myself pretty able on the the theory side of things, and even the practice for the most part. But when it comes to camera technology, post effects, and so on, I feel like I missed the boat. I know the basics of course, but does anyone have any reading or something they would recommend to learn and keep up on this stuff?



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I read Post Magazine, which is free (and a little bit pro digital) and American Cinematographer (which is not free and a little pro film ;) )

Also, feel free to ask about things on here you don't get. I'm sure the forum would be happy to answer. A lot of the technical exposure comes from being in a situation and reaching out (on here or elsewhere) for what works. It's like.. I dunno, lighting. Yeah, you learn how to light in film school; but very few of them will teach you how far back you should put the new 18K HMI you finally got to rent. Don't get too wrapped up in the technology. It changes so rapidly, and when you're faced with new gear or techniques, there's always plenty of people around to help you out when you need it (and we all do).


And, of course, welcome.

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