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A Night Scene Immediately Into Day

Luke Delaney

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The story behind the scene: the character comes home from a night of heavy drinking and drug use. In darkness, he climbs into bed when suddenly it`s as if the world wakes up. Day light floods the room and his eyes open quickly, having just got them closed. It`s meant to portray the feeling of having a bad nights sleep from the drinking because it always feels one never has enough of it when in such a state.


I was thinking of a couple of ways to create this: just having a lot of lights set up and then turning them on at the same time; having to have the window completely covered anyway for the room to be in complete darkness, I`ll just unblock the window; or both.


Would any of these work, or would it be something totally different?


I should should mention this a student production, so, there will little to none budget wise.




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I'd go with having the heads turned on and then blocked off with a solid, which you can then quickly drop to let the light stream in. Seems best/easiest to me. Also, some heads (HMIs, for example) need to heat up first.


That seems good. Thanks.

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