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Cineframe 25 to HDCAM @ 1080/59.94i

Leon Grin

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First of all I would like to thank to all of you and to apology for my pure English.

Our short movie is accepted to a festival in US and we have to deliver it as HDCam 1080/59.94i.

The movie has been shot with Sony Z1 cineframe 25.

What is the best way to get HDCam 1080/59.94i from such footage?

The movie was edited with Premiere Pro but we also have Avid and FCP (in a case that we have to make conversions)



Thank You !!!

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First, check with your festival if it MUST be 59.94i - this is a bit strange for a film festival IMHO, but I wouldn't know much about these sorts of things.


I would imagine the easiest thing to do is to slow your footage to 23.98fps, then the conversion process to 59.94i is not too bad.


I think there would be a few programs that could do this, perhaps Compressor (on Apple) or ProCoder on PC?


You will need an HDCAM deck with HD-SDI card in the computer to make the transfer.


A post house should be able to do this conversion for you, but it will be expensive! A few hundred dollars probably



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