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Compatable film for the Chinon 506 SM XL

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The CHINON 506 Sound Macro XL(existing light 220 degree shutter opening) was designed around using the former KODACHROME 40A Tungsten/ASA 25 daylight with filter, and EKTACHROME 160A Tungsten/ASA/ISO 100 Daylight With Filter. So, in auto exposure mode, the only two films made by KODAK that will work fine are: TRI-X 7266 ISO 200 Daylight without Filter (will be rated at ISO 160) and VISION 200T Color Negative (will be rated at ISO 100 Daylight With Filter or ISO 160 Tungsten without filter). However, since the camera has manual exposure mode, you can use any other film, and just compensate by adjusting the meter until the exposure is correct. For example, with EK100 Daylight film, the camera will read it (with the Filter out of the way) as ISO/ASA 160. So knowing it will be under-exposing the film by 2/3 of a Stop, just reset the meter manual setting via the knob on the side until the viewfinder needle is in the correct setting.


I'm not sure on this camera, but CHINON has an auto exposure fine tuning knob that you set with a coin on many of their cameras. If yours has this, the lines are set in 1/3 Stop increments, so if you adjust it to the over-exposure side by 2/3 Stop, you will be able to also shoot EK100D on automatic. Good luck!

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Thank you so much - crystal clear and will help me move forward on this. I am putting together a Super 8 kit for my son's 18th Birthday because he is a Film student and is frustrated at the lack of 'film' used in the industry these days and really keen to explore the creative potential of a film format. As super 8 seemed an affordable and accessible (just) medium, I plunged in and started buying with zero knowledge (I feel I have had to learn a great deal in a short space of time).


Thanks to people such as yourself that have been ready to offer your advice and guidance, I am sure he will have the kit he needs to start exploring the medium. Who knows, in the next year you may have another enthusiast in the community.


Once again thank you for your help.



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Hey Andy, A really nice Super 8 camera that reads all films and doesn't break the bank is the Canon 518sv. They come in their own cases usually and you can add wide/tele converters to them. Actually a lot of the Canons are great and worth looking into! Cheers!

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