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Color Shift In Footage...Cam issue of user error??

Kip Kubin

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The above link is from a camera test I just got back....the first two clips have the issue....the second seem not to.


Aaton XTR

Cooke 9-50 w Arristd to Aaton adapter

Fuji 250t (no CC filter)





When I started filming my lens was not totally mounted correctly...I discovered that by noticing that it wouldn't focus to infinity. (first two clips...esp the second one)


I stopped filming and remounted the lens that seemed to fix it. (Second two clips)



Now that I have the footage I notice every so often the color shifts like you are rotating a pola or something.


Will an incorrectly mounted lens cause this problem or do I have a camera issue I need to have looked at?


Any insight would be appreciated

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I just barely noticed the color shift, I think, and if it's there, I would guess that it's from the stock that you bought. Was it old? Stored in a warm room? But really, it's so subtle that I wouldn't sweat it.


I noticed the vignette, or slight darkening of the edges of the frame, a lot more, and I as a viewer just think this is intentional.


Gotta watch those lens adapters when shooting film. With video, you can often see when something goes out of focus, but with film you may find out only when you get it back from the lab. If your ground glass is set correctly, then what you see is what you get, and the XTR has a great viewing system, but if you are tape focussing and the lens adapter is on crooked or not fully seated, then your focus marks might be off and you get your film back with, for example, everyone's ears sharp but their eyes slightly out. This is especially true if you are shooting wide open, T stop wise.


As for the color shift, I think it's fine and I wouldn't worry about it for this project, but you might want to nail it down for the future. I don't think it was the lens (Cooke 9-50 is a great lens, by the way)

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Thanks Douglas


I may post the question in the film stocks section of the forum as well. Maybe someone else has had the same issue with 35 etc.


The film was bought from a film company I work with from time to time...that being said I "think" it was properly stored...but could be as old as 3-4 years old.



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