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Redcode vs CinemaDNG raw

Shermen L

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Since I’m considering a B-camera like Red Scarlet or Blackmagic Production 4K camera, but they are recorded with different codec, one is Redcode , another is CinemaDNG Raw. As I notice the file size of Redcode Raw is much smaller than the CinemaDNG Raw (around 1 : 6), does it mean the latitude of color correction for Redcode Raw is less than cinemaDNG Raw? I used to shoot 8:1 compression in RED 4K, what I feel confused is that both are raw and 4K,but their file size are so different, I know they both under compression, but will the compression affect the quality of the footage and how it affects the latitude of color correction in both cameras ?


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If the pixel dimensions and bit depth are the same then the smaller raw file is being compressed more, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will look worse, it all depends on the quality of the compression. As for how it affects color-correction, that can be rather shot dependent.

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I believe redcode raw uses a form of visibly lossless compression which means that it is compressing the data and throws some away in the process. The compressed raw on the blackmagic 4K is lossless compression meaning that it is compressed in a way where no data is lost. Since the redcode is not lossless it allows for smaller file sizes, and is probably the main reason it is so much smaller. I believe that its compression is very similar to jpg compression.


These compression differences do not affect bit depth and doesn't necessarily affect latitude. The blackmagic 4K has lossless compression so there will be no quality loss at all, the redcode on the other hand does loose some data so it is possible that when pushed far enough the compression may begin to show. As I have no experience grading redcode I cannot say if actually does or not.

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