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Anamorphic lens options for sd camcorder.

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  • Premium Member

Hello. I am shooting with a sony vx1000 prosumer camcorder in it's native 4:3 aspect ratio and I was wondering what my options we're for using an anamorphic lens (producing a 16:9 image). The filter diameter is 52mm. Appreciate any insight!

Thank you!


- Hunter

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There were Panasonic and Century adapters that screwed onto a filter thread and looked like they had some corrective elements to produce an acceptable image. Now, they're rare and usually expensive. You can buy an HD camera for less, maybe a stills camera with a video capability. Or a used HDX900 if you want to have ENG ergonomics and cheap hi-end zoom glass. Or something like a Sony DSR570WS if you need DV and nothing else.

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  • Premium Member

The Panasonic adapter was the LA7200 and one went on eBay for $1000 recently, probably because they're seen as providing a degree of true anamorphic look to more modern cameras. It doesn't work brilliantly well, but that's why they're expensive.


If all you need is 16:9 pictures, I can only back up what Michael says - buy a basic HD camera.

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  • Premium Member

Thank you Phil and Michael. I'm actually set on using this camera (personal attachment) for all my skateboarding videos even though I own a dslr. I guess I'll just have to do my best to find one of these adapters!


Thanks again,


- Hunter

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