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Wondering what methods people here have found to get 'sourceless' undertones into the shadows of an indoor scene. i.e injecting some cyan or steel green into the shadows.


Trying to avoid any hint of cast shadow / source-y or too much additional fill on subject. Interested to see what techniques others are using to achieve this successfully.



  • Premium Member

I'd be more tempted to fill with cooler light and shift the blues towards the cyan but if you really don't want to add fill, then you could shift the blacks and low-end detail towards the cyan, but you won't get as deep a black.

  • Premium Member

At really low fill levels (like 4 stops under) you're never going see any shadows relative to your key light. They're just too faint by comparison.

And the only way to get 'sourceless' light, is to go BIG. Bounce your fill light off as large a fabric or section of the room (walls or ceilings), as possible.

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