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Everything except the daytime outdoor shots looked good to these untrained eyes. I personally have a problem with outdoor daytime shots, it's hard to make them not boring. The black & white stuff looked outstanding.

Edited by Jason Debus
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You have some nice shots there. I particularly like the one of the guy in the bar lifting his highball glass, and the woman holding the flowers. I would definitely remove the outdoor shots that appear very flat, though. You should only present your best work, so anything that you feel the need to make excuses for (low budget, etc.) shouldn't be there. A shorter reel with only your best work will be much more impressive to potential employers.

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I agree with Mike, I would definately loose the flat over cast exterior shots if I ws you.

The point of a reel is to get you work, in other words to show that you can do the neccesary things that will make you an asset on a shoot, for example: make actresses look good with your lighting, create a mood/feel with lighting/processing etc.., and creating and executing shots that look good and tell a story. A lot of the shots on your reel are cool, the project with the lady eating the flowers looks very good, there are also some good dolly/movement shots on your reel that are good, these shots look good and seem to be designed not just to be pretty but seem like they are styalised in a way that helps the projects have a certain feel, which is very good for a reel. However these shots are lost in the multitude of shots you have from other projects which are not framed in a way that really shows much intent, and don't show any particular lighting scheme or specific mood/feel created by your choice of angle,light,lense,process etc...

The shot of the plane landing is a perfect example, anyone could have shot that anywhere any time and it would look the same, the shots you put on your reel need to have the feel that they are extraordinary and very specific in achieving a certain goal (looking sunny and happy,dark,moody,forboding or whatever the case may be).

When it comes to a reel I have found through trial and error that having a smaller number of good shots is prefferable to a reel with lots of mediocre shots.



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Hallo Alex


ich schreibe dir auf deutsch, da du ja wahrscheinlich Deutscher bist.

Ich wollte dir nur mitteilen, dass ich deinen CV nicht runterladen kann, d.h., es kommt schon was, bloss ist ausser den Jahreszahlen nichts lesbar. Ich arbeite auf Mac OSX und surfe auf Safari.

Und das Factsheet begreife ich auch nicht: es geht ewig lang zum runterladen, (okay, 20 sekunden), man weiss nicht, was man erwarten soll, also hätte ich beinahe den download unterbrochen, und dann kommt bloss ein schwarzes blatt mit ein paar fotos von den drehs. was soll das? vielleicht ist es wieder mein browser, der nicht alle infos anzeigt? sollte da noch text sein?

da viele in der branche wohl auf mac und safari arbeiten, wäre es sicher nicht schlecht, deine einstellungen zu überprüfen.

Punkto Bilder bin ich mit allen vorangegangenen Kommentatoren einig.




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