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Jason Debus

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Everything posted by Jason Debus

  1. Only 18 theaters showing 70MM IMAX: http://screencrush.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-imax-theaters/ Is 'IMAX with laser' any good? Anyone know where I can see a 35mm print? I think Arclight Hollywood is all digital projection now.
  2. I don't know what Kook Aid you are drinking but turn off the TV, radio, or web page because you are poisoned my friend.
  3. After all of the Cameron hype I'm sure the look may underwhelm (whatever happened to photorealistic cgi?). For the most part I've tuned out the hype and the trailer got me excited to see this movie. I am familar with the general concept of the story so I knew what was happening in that lab, I'm not sure the general public would get it though. Aliens, space travel, portable consciousness, cool to see this stuff in a big epic movie. Anyone else think the producers of 'Surrogates' are freaking brilliant? It's the same general conept as Avatar, excpet for robots ... or am I out in left field here.
  4. Not sure what to think about this other than why doesn't it look 'cooler'?: http://www.flynnlives.com/media/video/0xendgame.aspx
  5. For those in the Los Angeles area, there is a screening this Sunday: Sunday, July 26, 2009 Time: 5:30pm Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028 Phone: 323-466-3456 Discussion following the film with director of photography John Hora, ASC, visual effects designer and artist Harrison Ellenshaw and moderated by production designer Tom Walsh. It looked stunning on DVD so I'm excited to see it on the big sceen!
  6. The one in The International was convincing I thought.
  7. I am so torn on this movie. I like Chicago and Rob Marshall but 8 1/2 is one of my all time favorite films. To me it's like remaking Citizen Kane, it just shouldn't be done. Looking at the trailer, it looks like 8 1/2 filtered through the same lens that filmed Chicago. I hated and loved it at the same time. I'll see this film but I'm not going to like it (maybe).
  8. I guess 50/50. I'm curious about Avatar and will probably line up at the theater like a lot of us later this year, but I think a lot of people are getting excited about nothing (the tech, James Cameron, etc.).
  9. Can anyone tell me why this film is any different than all the other high budget sfx 3D blockbusters? (I'm hoping someone can come up with something other than uber photo-realistic cgi, James Cameron, or 3D technology that is going to revolutionize the industry).
  10. Classic! I found a better quality version that's a little easier to read:
  11. Hi Karl, Hulu has the movie up in it's entirety through IMDb, check it out: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0035211/trailers This version looks fine to me, I'm guessing there was something strange with the transfer you saw. Or perhaps you can point out what you are seeing in this version.
  12. Perhaps Tilman Büttner could do it?
  13. Hi Jean, Good 35mm projection is tack sharp and shouldn't be fuzzy. My guess is you were at an AMC somewhere with shoddy projection (I don't think you gave that info, maybe I missed it?). I haven't seen Adventureland (except for the trailer) but unless you saw it at a place like Arclight I wouldn't be conjecturing about the Arrilaser or post path.
  14. I never understood why Encore CS3 is so picky about the resolutions. For whatever it's worth I've used Encore CS4 and it doesn't have the same issues. I made a DVD with a myriad of different resolutions (even a 720p) and they all encoded fine.
  15. For whatever it's worth my old Canon XL2 had this kind of bokeh. (condom bokeh?) From what I understand it's from etchings in the lens elements.
  16. Satyricon and Roma are my favorite color Fellini films. Like Tim said, both of them are a feast for the eyes. I love how he frames the characters in Satyricon, it's very much like a painting. Sometimes just a small face in the bottom corner. For those who haven't seen Satyricon there's a bunch of screenshots here: http://moviescreenshots.blogspot.com/2006/...ricon-1969.html
  17. Hi Richard, Good job getting your movie on Netflix. I can now say I have seen Dark Reprieve! It's great hearing your success stories with this film, it's inspiring!
  18. This is from that interview I linked on page one: GALLO: ... So I decided to shoot reversal. The people at Kodak said, "Well, first of all, it doesn't really exist, and we don't have it in 1000-foot rolls, and we don't have it doubleperfed, and you can't process it, and you can't print from it." But there was just no way I was going to take no for an answer. Kodak, the giant billionaire company in Rochester, you know-my film is not even a speckle in their evolution ~ on a weekend, cut 70,000 feet in 1,000-foot, double-perf rolls of 35mm film so that I could be ready to shoot on that Monday. Thank you Mr. Kodak. FILMMAKER: Did YOU have dailies on this movie? GALLO: No, I didn't see a foot of film until months after we wrapped. FILMMAKER: Not even on video? GALLO: Months after we wrapped. It took three weeks for them to even begin to build the machine that could process the film.
  19. Regarding Buffalo 66, this is a great interview where Vincent Gallo goes into a little detail on the making & post production of it: http://www.galloappreciation.com/print/filmmkr.html
  20. They said on the video you could use it with front element anamorphic lenses.
  21. These are the K3 shutter speeds (from the K3 manual): fps shutter 8 = 1/20 12 = 1/30 16 = 1/40 24 = 1/60 32 = 1/80 48 = 1/120 frame = 1/30
  22. There was a screeing of Caravaggio about a year ago that I saw him in person. He was hanging out in the lobby before the screening but I was too intimidated to shake hands, even though he seemed very friendly to folks that were chatting with him. A Q&A followed the film. I don't remember anything specific that he said, I just remember that his answers were very inspiring. I would say he avoided being too technical; for example if you asked him what filters he used he probably wouldn't answer it directly and instead talk about quality of light and a cinematographers role as an artist.
  23. Gus Van Sant likes 1.37:1, it's the 'intended' aspect ratio of the film (see Last Days, Elephant). When shown theatrically it played 1.85:1 or 1.66:1 depending on the theaters capability, because most theaters can't project full frame academy.
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