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Interesting old cine' cameras

Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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I had written this company to ask if they sold or had any paper ephemera related to the vintage cine' cameras that I could acquire or scan for them to donate to the I.A.

NO reply.

Really sad how things are nowadays with correspondence in an era where correspondence has never been easier.

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I had a nice correspondence with Richard from CinemaGear just recently.

Maybe your message went to spam or he thought you wanted stuff for free. 

His blog is really great.

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Well, that is how it goes Dom.

Lots of people get email replies from Lasergraphics. Me? Nothing from Lasergraphics, even after many years of trying.

Some people have more luck with things Dom. And in the big picture, if something does not work out...I've got hundreds and hundreds of other areas to work in. And sooner or later some luck appears, and things do work out in another area Dom. As long as you don't get attached to one thing, one position, one view (Perry) you can be flexible in your mindset Dom.  

Now, Dom, what does bother me, some, is never getting one reply from nearly a hundred email solicitations I sent around the USA over 5 years to sell me a gallon of the person's tap water. I do lots of water tests Dom and I wasn't able to hit every city in America that I wanted to test.


Distilling water is a quick acid test you can do to find out what residue is in your water. – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. (wordpress.com)

So, I would write to people around the USA that should have had an interest in their tap water; such as newspapers, bloggers, water conservationists, etc, to sell me a gallon of water. Some of them were even people I've done business with.  I told them I would pay the shipping, buy them the 4-liter bottles and give them the results of their tap water and pay them $22-$25 for their trouble of filling the bottles at their sink and bringing the box to the post office.

Nothing. Never one reply Dom. And it was not only emails. I would advertise on forums to buy water...Nothing. 

People are pretty **(obscenity removed)**ed nowadays Dom. They have no courtesy. I'd have more respect for them if they would write back with a short email saying to **(obscenity removed)** off. But it is too much work to hit the reply button I guess.

It is kinda sad that I have to work in the social documentary areas I do work in Dom; as a photographer, filmmaker, audio archivist, cine' archivist, etc. I run the People's Archive. No $$ in it, is all open content. Once $$ comes into play Dom, you only do things for profit. If no $$, you won't do it. I do it for love, the only time $$ is thought of is when I ask the question of; do I have enough $$ to do a project?

And it is not like I'm some selfless person. It is just what is necessary to do the work I do in the quality and quantity I do it in. Believe me Dom, I'd love it if it produced vast riches for me, I've got nothing against $$.

If I had a choice Dom, I'd do something else. But as Weegee had said...it is in our blood. We got no other choice Dom. 

And the sad part Dom, is not the work, which I love. The sad part is people don't answer emails or show the slightest interest in contributing time to the Archive. And I'm not looking for volunteers to do the work. Beside water tests, I've written to many people asking for interviews, letting me record oral or video history for the Archive, record photography, things like that Dom. Basically no interest from any of them Dom. Then they die and the history is lost forever.

As far as Spam?

I read my spam...all of it. I archive my spam...I don't trash it Dom.  (Now, I don't archive 100% of the spam. Too much dupe spam. So, I archive the notable ones.)

Internet Archive Search: spam DDTJRAC

...or I may archive groups of spam once in a while.




It is easy to trash stuff that may be important to the historical record someday Dom. That was what I was trying to get across to Perry who wanted to trash a collogues academic paper on scanners that he thought was not up to snuff. We don't need to destroy history; we need to preserve it. Especially in this day and age Dom.

Now, in Perry's defense, I didn't always archive spam. One day something clicked and...BOOM!  I've trashed thousands of spams over the decades. So, maybe something will click in Perry someday?

All you can do is plant seeds. It is not our job to make them sprout. Same with the work Dom,  you just send out the emails, RPPC's, etc. If some sprout fine and if not, you suck it up and move on. 

Edited by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.
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