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About Timay

  • Birthday 12/07/1988

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  • Location
    St.Albans England
  • Specialties
    I love art, photography, snowboarding and good fun (people who don't would be just weird).<br />Cinematography came to me when doing work experiance and it's GREAT. I would love to be invovled with films later on in life. I have so many ideas for shorts which i can't wait to put into use when I go to uni and i just can't wait to open out my full potential in my passion.

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  1. King kong was amazing, a three hour film should have had sum crappy shots in it but it captured every second and moment with its rich flourishing jungle shots or a dark damp new york night on the piers. Most of the CG shots of the island wer the best, especially the scene where kong takes her to his cave and they look out over the island with the rich orange colours from the setting sun. Its amazing that its CG, without the giant gorilla it wud look like the real thing. Another favourite bit is when they are runny from the stampede. It really puts u in there with them and u dnt reallythink about the fact it was made on a computer, your too busy thinking wether your going to get stamped on. King Kong, though the sore arse from sitting still for too long, was the best for me After that: The New World Star Wars War of the Worlds Sin City Jarhead
  2. I liked the lighting very much, good cold underground feel. The scene where the girl gets up and smiles is a great comical shot but as londonfilmman says the dialouge was, lets just say not great. Nevertheless don't drown out the dialouge with the music, I was continually putting the volume up and down such that i could hear the dialouge and not disturb the neighbours with the music bass (and i turned the bass off on my speakers) Good luck though, i know i'm new but thats just my view
  3. I know I'm new to this but i thought it was pritty good. I'd say you cut from the girl to the close up girl to the seagull a little bit too fast. It was in time with the music as in on each beat, but maybe try to cut it (if you havn't already) on every two beats. That way the images will sink in a little more to the viewer. The lighting and filters though were great i thought. You have the rich sun on the beach giving it a great warm feel to it and then it turns to the cold dull war scene, giving it a great comparison. I also love how the seagull acts as a bond between them, it can travel the world with its wings to either a californian beach or omaha beach. Without the gull it would be some girl and some guy without any relation. Great work though, i am new so dont trust me on everything i say :P
  4. I live in england and i'm 17, still with another year of secondary school before i leave to uni or college to persue cinematography. I'm wondering though if there are any good magazines like the equvilant to the Architects Journel, but for cinematography of course. So far i have read in previous discussions about the AC and ICG magazines but people have said more bad things than good about them. Please tell me a good magazine, available in the UK, that would be worth while subscribing to. Thanks very much
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