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Phil Thompson

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Everything posted by Phil Thompson

  1. hi, attached is an awful WIP shot of the area we are shooting into. To be added is a checkerboard floor, 2 lounger type chairs (either side of the center console). Two actors. A TV monitor displaying graphics will be on the wall next to the square at the back. I want to try and keep it as dark as possible and illuminate our two actors. I have an 18mm lens for the wide and a 35mm for getting up close. Any thoughts would be so kindly received. p
  2. Hi David. Yep, they've been putting drilling lots and lots of holes into the wooden background and poking through LED fairy lights. So wev've got lots of pin prick tiny sources flashing all over the places. Plus we've got a fruit machine, laid on its back with its flashing lights and some old analog editing gear sprayed black which flashes. My only concern is the slow lens. Do I really only need to make the faces of the actors exposed correctly and let everything else fall off into the background? p
  3. hi there, I'm about to shoot a spaceship cockpit sequence. Two actors separated by a control column, with decorated walls. Shooting into the corner. with 18mm lens. Checkerboard floor (don't ask). black walls. One actress is painted gold (shes a robot) and the other one in black. Lens is slow 3.4f-stop. Any tips on how to shoot this? Its mostly wide with some close-ups? cheers p
  4. go's to show, you don;t knwo what you're talking about. CP is an alright camera. not worth anything though. 300 bucks. lens is nice tho.
  5. I need some help. Im soon to shoot a spaceship cockpit sequence. The plan was to have PC monitors displaying animations and the like. CAn these be shot as normal at 25fps? Im not very sure on the refresh of screens but suffice to say, I don't want horrible scan lines. Any ideas? p
  6. hiya i badly need some ND filters 6x6 150mm for my Konvas 2M. OR any other filter thats 6x6? please help Phil
  7. Thanks John. If I wanted the planet moving. So we start we empty starfield space then the camera pans down slowly to reveal the huge planet. Is the only way to do that using stop motion?
  8. No the planet is looming in the distance.
  9. hello all. im putting together a shot, which is of a starfield, planet and spaceship. I've filmed the stars using the old method of holes in black foil with light behind. Now i need to film a photo of a planet. i will comp all the elements in the computer, as the traditional way is a ball ache for that bit. Whats the best way to photograph a picture. I don't have single frame capture on the konvas. 6fps is the slowest. Any help would be appreciated. phil
  10. thats because they're mugs. 35mm murders digital.
  11. Hello, was wondering if anyone rents OCT-18 lenses in London? Thanks p
  12. ANDREI RUBLEV. END OF CONVERSATION. GOOD NIGHT. GOD BLESS. DON FILM BAR NONE. But hay, hold up, Camerotype needs a camera better than the greatest film maker ever. Because hold up, Andrei Rublev was a technical mess. I mean, look at it, gate weave, hair in gate, useless lenses. WAKE UP BUDDY. Stop blaming the equipment. If you cant make a masterpiece on a Konvas, you aint gonna make a masterpiece on a mitchell. But hay the little wickle image is a little bit steadier. mmm, dont seem to recall many CGI digital set extensions that required extreme registration in Andrei Rublev. Come on man. Its about the film you make, not the camera. And the mitchell is far too heavy to be practical.
  13. I love the way people defend cameras, as if they had something to do with their legacy. When the reality is they are filming their dog on a Canon HV20 and sit on here dreaming. Listen Buddy. I've had plenty of experience shooting with a mitchell and its like a washing machine. Do I want to cart around a mitchell to shoot my film? NO. The konvas produces incredibly results and I DARE you to talk about Olex's incredible motors like that. You my friend need to have a good hard think before you trash Konvas.
  14. hello, Looks like I will have two Konvas 2M's one by the genius Olex which is crystal set to 25fp (amongst others). The other has older motor with 24fps. I doubt we will ever be getting a film print (would love too). Are there any problems with shooting 24fps and 25fps and mixing them? Cheers Phil
  15. its alright Olex is sorting us out the 17 motor with the banging new microprocessor upgrade. PROPER STYLE http://sites.google.com/site/olexserviceskonvas/_/rsrc/1265120226004/repair-of/upgrade-motors/17ep-16apk-konvas-motors-upgrade/17EP-1414-16-DC-FC-1.jpg BOOM!
  16. What kind of money are we talking?
  17. Ben Syverson, on 04 July 2011 - 12:01 PM, said: What is much more likely is that the DPX viewer he's using is linearizing the DPX (log->lin), but not gamma correcting it for display. this was the correct answer. Cheers Ben
  18. Hi Adrian, Have you got any pictures of your camera I can see? I hear loading the thing is the equivalent of doing the Rubics cube blind.. is this true?
  19. They're too expensive and too big. I can't believe for a minute the Konvas picture isn't very sturdy. Maybe I'm wrong..anyway, those Mitchells are a nightmare, for anywhere other than locked down on an animation stand. I want to take this everywhere!
  20. Hello everyone. Well, I brought an Arriflex 16BL and i really love it. But Im now wishing I'd brought a Konvas 2M. The reason? Im shooting a lot of background plates and as Daniel lee rubbed in. ITs hard to work with 16mm and digital. :-( SO. This is the mission. I have been communicating with one of the DONS of Konvas, a man who needs no introduction, the genius Olex Kalynychenko!!! What I need is this. A Konvas 2M body that has been serviced. A 17 motor that has been serviced One 400ft mag, that has been serviced Olex's special battery box/charger. This gets me sturdy foundations. There was an option to go for Olex's genius electronics upgrade but that adds 550 euros onto the price of a motor. I won't ever need to go at 6 frames per second and I'll always have a firm eye on how much im shooting, so thats not an issue. Of course it does so much more but to me it seems like I can skip this luxury. So Whats next? A good lens. I've read people talking about Zoom Animorphics. I'm not sure I can be arsed with that...yet. SO, I'm thinking a decent 35mm lens and a super wide. What are my options here? And what kind of money are we talking. I'm looking forward to dealing with Olex. Anyone have any thoughts on my mission? Thanks phil
  21. Why ? Cus I want to. What? Is it wrong? Sue me
  22. Lol probably. Im getting up at 3am for the drive to Southend. It wants to be amazing!!! If not, I'll get it painted in or come back when I've got a konvas!! 4:3 16mm ratio is pissing me off noe
  23. It's background plate for digital matte extension. Going to extend castle and add background city.hope it's a clear morning. My lens is zeiss zoom f2. I was planning on shooting wide open. Stupid? Or should I use vivid 160 with an 85 ? ..,, I'm scared
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