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bridgett roh

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Everything posted by bridgett roh

  1. hi captain, how is your processor? are you close to running yet? not heard since 19 july, if you need any advice just let us know, be glad to help. regards.
  2. hi, may i suggest you use only kodaks kit chemistry, you will find it so much easier to store and handle, your only real concern with chemistry life will be only your colour developer the others are not so critical, also you will have to house you machine in an air con enviroment definitely. just be aware there is more to ecn processing than just what written in the kodak book. glad to be of any help.
  3. just wondering how old your 5218 was, did you buy new? if you have access to a densitometer read an unexposed section on the neg, the blue should read about .9 to 1.0 for good stock. The 500 negs don't keep for to long even refrigerated, even so telecine should be able to correct any minor fog in the blue as long as its not to high.
  4. sorry paul but i think you have lost your mind, if you have never worked in a lab just forget it for films sake.
  5. This system has been used for some time now, where have you all been. The latest kodak in camera magazine has a story on a vampire movie shot on 2 perf from Sweden, Poor Superman a few years back in Canada, The Saughter Rule was also done this way filmed in Montana also some few years back. A company called Multivision 235 from Australia are renting cameras, look them up on the net. I made some inquiries and they have converted arri 4s and moviecam super america's and others. A fair amount of 2 perf movies have been done down there, and it seems to be big with rock clip producers, perfect format.
  6. Thomas, everyone is entitled to a personal opinion, you can take it or leave it, up to you. I have spent the last 26 years in mp laboratories, I think I am qualified to give my opinion. I have used mp film for stills, just about every one available, I liked fuji 64d the best but that is just my opinion. They were all developed to ecn standard, but I found normal c41 films better quality when printed on to paper scanned or otherwise. once again just my opinion. You will not achieve the best quality for vision 2 by hand processing, to achieve uniform development it needs to be done by machine, again just my opinion. regards.
  7. i don't understand why you would want to anyway when there are so many great still films available. motion pic film is great but for movies only. ok if you like slides on mp print stock but not very archival. c 41 is so easy to process at home but believe me ecn will be a nightmare in a bathroom. c 41 negs are made to be printed on paper so easy but mp films are not they look terrible. you will not save any money in the long run. i don't mean to put you off but tell me why you want to use mp negs, regards.
  8. a percentage of superman was shot on 35mm for reasons that i don't know about, a few hundred thousand feet, so it will be interesting to see on the big screen.
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