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Zamir Merali

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Everything posted by Zamir Merali

  1. Does anybody know how much it would be or where I could get one of these re-celled. Thanks.
  2. I completely agree with you Robert. Its been about 2 months since i made this and i'm working on my 4 th movie since then. Looking back I can see that everything you say is right. The movies I made after this one are a lot better than this one. Hopefully I can look back on these movies and see them as being very bad later. Here is a movie i made a little bit after this one. http://films.thelot.com/films/2666
  3. Great Idea Yous should get two actors and make it.
  4. On watching the special features for Poseidon they said that by the end of the shoot Wolfgang Petersen was using 6 or 7 cameras at once to do an entire scene in one take. They had a 160 million dollar budget so thats why they could do that. I would think that the only real advantage to doing that would be that you might save time and the acting would be a bit more natural.. Zamir Merali
  5. Yeah double exposuring would definately be the best way. Thats how speilberg did effects in his first feature film "firelight". He would get his sister to do the acting for one pass, rewind the film and then expose again with the red light that he was using as his alien. He would also shoot through jello on the second pass to get a look that he liked. What you are trying to do seems alot like that. IF your goign to telicine and edit non linear then just use computer effects but if you are film splicing and doing it old fashion double exposure is a good way. Zamir Merali
  6. You could try to use a blue grad filter. The filter stars out blue on the top and then gradually changes to clear on the bottom. It would make the sky dark blue but anything under the middle part of the frame would be natural colour. YOu cant move the camera too much but it would do the trick. Another thing you could do would be to key the light blue sky out and replace it with a darker sky. This would be complex because you would need to track the footage and may need to do some roto. Zamir Merali
  7. The way you make it sound is that your friend just touched up a few tiny things. That meants that they definately would not be a co-writter (they would need to write around 50 % of it to be a co-writter). I would say that the best thing to call him would be a script editor because without him the script would not be substantially different. Zamir Merali
  8. if you want true 24p at under 3000 you cant get hd. A good camera would be the dvx100. It has a nice organic look, doesnt compare to real film but its fine on a budget. YOu could also consider the xl2. It a bit more expensive but the extra features (interchangable lenses, 16:9 widescreen, heavier for handheld work etc.) could make it worth it to you. It depends on what you want the camera for. YOu should check out the many review on the internet or other posts on this website. Zamir Merali
  9. If you put enough ND for a nice sunny day then cloudy days would look bad. And rainy days would look terrible. There is probably an automatic exposure system that can be bought for time lapse applications. I would shoot some tests and see what works and what doesnt so after the couple months you dont find that you wasted all that film and your time. Zamir Merali
  10. In El Mariachi there was no steady cam because it only had a 7000 dollar budget. Rodriguez used a wheel chair dolly for some shots and he handheld the camera for others. SInce he used a very wide lens the motion appeared relatively smooth. In desperado however he had a 7 million dollar budget. INstead of hiring a steady cam operator rodriguez took a two day course and did it himself. then he editted around the bumps and shakes in his steadycam shots.
  11. I think that If your subject needs to be black and you need another colour object in their hands, that is going to require rotoscoping. You would shoot the person on the blue/green screen, key them out, adjust their colour so they are black and at the end you would have to go frame by frame tracing the object they are holding.
  12. You dont need to silhouette the subject on the green screen. Just key the non sihouette person out and adjust the color values in post to get the right colour. This seems a bit easier to me because you wont need extra lights or a bigger greenscreen.
  13. Like David said the cameras have very little except for the manufacturers name similar. One is a great 24p standard defenition camera and the hvx200 is a high defenition camcorder. If your asking because you have a choice between both of them go for the hvx200 because it can support an uncompressed output, multiple framerates and it is hd.
  14. If your camera only goes up to 48 fps then thats the only choice you have. I would shoot it at 48 and then see how it looks after telicine. You can always use a computer program to slow it down more. Combustion, aftereffects and alot of other post programs can do it. I've heard of another one called twixtor that seems to give the people on this site good results: http://www.detonationfilms.com/UnitK-3.html
  15. Thanks for your reply. Its actually very snowy up her already so i think im going to use a combo of shotting a snowblower on my actors and using a particle program to get what will hopefully be a realistic result.
  16. Theres been a post on this site about how to create light snowfall in a scene by using potato flakes or other materials like such. However how could one create a snowstorm. Is this a very complicated effect or could it be reacreated in a program like after effects with a plugin. I found a plugin called blizzard in the berserk package but it is very cheezy. Thanks for your replys. Zamir Merali
  17. I heard about this movie and that it supposedly had a 100 million dolar production budget. This seemed pretty cool and I was expecting something similar to lord of the rings in terms of epicness and special effects. I was wrong This movie was terrible, the script was really badly written and i could identify with none of the characters. At some points it felt like I was watching a play instead of a movie. The director used dolly/zoom moves througout the movie at random points. I did some research and found the director was an established special effects director on his first actual directing job. Did any of you guys watch this movie, and what did you think about it?
  18. Thanks for the helpful replies, i have decided against getting the parts camera.
  19. I found this auction on ebay for an arrifex 16s with some missing parts. It is being sold by cinevision new york but they say that they do not have the missing parts except for the constant speed motor. Do anyof you know where I could get these parts (the serial number of the camera is below 15000). Also, would it just end up being more trouble to get this for cheap and then have to buy all the parts rather than to just get a complete arriflex camera. Its missing its door, buckle trip mechanism, and back pressure plate. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1 Also I have another unrelated question. What makes a bolex worse than an arriflex or another more professiona camera. If both cameras had similar lenses would they produce the same images? thank you
  20. Yeah the title sequence was fine in the timeline but rendered out wrong. It was supposed to have a few more slides (for example the slide with my name on it was randomly not rendered out). Thanks for the great feedback, il try so me differetn lighting setups.
  21. Its really good. The song and the images worked really well together and I can tell there some sort of deep meaning to the movie. At first I thought it was a walmart commercial though.
  22. Hey guys. I usually post a link to my short film here so I can get feedback. So far the feedback you guys give me is extremely motivating and very helpful. Here's another short film I made. Thanks for watching and leave a comment it you feel like it.
  23. Most TV's have whats called an aspect ratio setting that you can choose. A lot of brodcast tv is in 4:3 so the tv has to blow it up to fill the entire wide screen. Find a button on your remote that says aspect and push it a few times until the picture is the way you want it.
  24. What is the tone that festival winning movies seem to have in common. Just out of curiosity because it seems like it could be a pretty helpful piece of information. Thanks
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