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Galen Carter-Jeffrey

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Everything posted by Galen Carter-Jeffrey

  1. I am in a film class and so far we have only shot B&W reversal. I want to shoot a project on color negative in November, is there anything I need to know? I have heard the latitude is greater on negative film.
  2. I have a K3 for sale if you are interested. I used it for some intro to film classes and the stuff came out pretty good. The lens is solid. Email me if your interested.
  3. Start with the three way color corrector. It's pretty simple and a good place to begin.
  4. What US film schools have you been to? I go to a public university and thus when I graduate i will have a Bachelors degree in Science. An actual degree that means something. Granted i will probably never use it, but it's nice to know that I have a degree as a fall back if it should ever come to that. My tuition is around $4,000 a year (two semesters) and we have a shitload of equipment. I dont even know how many 16mm cameras we have. Also being in Austin is a huge bonus, the film community is fantastic.
  5. You're still paying for it through tuition. All the public schools that teach film do not charge "exobitant tuition fees" because they are a public school/university. I would choose my school (University of Texas at Austin) over the OPs school anyday.
  6. Wow! I will definitly do that from now on. I did have a littl trouble getting the film back into the sprockets after it looped and passed through the pressure plate. The sprockets would never catch the film and it would jam, causing me to keep cutting the end off until it loaded correctly. How do I open the rollers and limiter? Sorry for asking so many questions.
  7. should i take out the pressure plate when i load the film?
  8. If I formed the loop too tight and it pulled the pressure plate back a little would that cause a blur? Thanks for all the help.
  9. What? I thought these camera's where "built like a tank" Basically I wasted my money on the damn thing if the all I can do is hope for the best.
  10. I shot two rolls of film using my K3 one roll looked fine, the other was just a big blur. Is there anyway to check the registration pin without waiting for you film to come back?
  11. I just watched it. It was cute. What was your shooting schedule like?
  12. I am putting together a budget proposal for a short 35mm film. It is for the coca cola refreshing filmmakers contest. I know absolutely nothing about the cost of 35mm film (raw or processing costs). I want to shoot a 50 second short using a 10 to 1 shooting ratio. I used kodak film counter and calculated about 900 feet. Is that correct? Can someone tell me how much processing would be and about how much it would be to telecine. It can be ballpark figures it's just for a budget proposal. Thank you.
  13. I bought a lens a while back (Zentar? Yea I know its a crappy brand, but I don't use this camera for much anyway). Well, I encountered a problem when I tried to mount the lens. There is a little mettle tab that sticks out on the lens. If it is screwed into a camera the pin is pushed inside and then allows you to control the aperture. If the pin is not pushed inside then the aperture is always open. My guess is this lens was meant for a different camera because the pin is not pushed in when I screw it into me camera. I tried to tape it but its so small and on the edge of the inside of the lens that I cant get a good piece of tape there. Anyone have any advice?
  14. Are you sure you saw the Kingdom of Heaven? From your glowing review it sounds like you saw a different movie. Also, I think you meant to say James Cameron and not Riddly Scott
  15. I just got my test footage back and it looks great. However, there are two small redish light leaks in the roll towards the middle. Do you have any idea why this might be?
  16. Where can I buy a Pelang lens for a good price?
  17. Here is a simple test to tell if a group is a cult or not. Ask yourself these questions about the group: 1.Does the group use tricks, lies or excuses to get members and to keep them? 2.Does the group say that it is "better than all other groups", and is it organised so that people can't complain, discuss, vote, criticize, or change the group? 3.Does the group claim that the founder knows all the answers, and tolerates no discussion or questioning of his or her teachings? 4.Does the group say that nothing is more important than to get more money, people or anything else into the group, and that this is more important than honesty or friendship or families, maybe because it is such an emergency that the world must be saved right away? 5.Is the money collected used only a few "special people instead of for the members or the general population People who study groups have looked at scientology and answered "yes" everytime. See why: 1. it pretends to be a self-help group, and doesn't tell the actual price of the services; the "personality test" is a trick because the result is always that you need help - and of course, "scientology can help you". An honest group would tell you this before the test; 2. scientologists say they are superior to the rest of the world, and calls the rest "raw meat" or "wogs" instead of simply "non-scientologists"; 3. everything must be done exactly as LRH said/wrote. Discussion is "verbal tech" and gets you sent to "ethics", which means you are in trouble; 4. to get money, power or revenge scientology creates fake organisations (called "front groups" by critics) that lie about what they really want and do; and LRH said that "suppressive persons" can be "tricked, lied to and destroyed"; 5. the money that scientology gets is used to attack enemies, through lawsuits, dirty tricks or lies. The staff members live in terrible conditions.
  18. www.xenu.net read it As for christianity being just as bad, the only times christianty has been horrible is when a leader has abused its powers and taken christiany out of context. If you think about it, the inquisition doesnt follow "love thy neighbor" Scientology flat out says that chemical imbalances in the brain do not exist. They lie and they know it. For the most part Christianity tries to help people. REad that link and tread carefully around scientologists.
  19. http://www.xenu.net/ Read that and then tell me if its the same thing as the "real" religions. These people are destructive and far worse than christians, jews, muslims etc... At least the 10 commandments are something that even non-christains live their life by. Generally even if your not christian there are alot of great things in the bible, love thy neighbor, give to the poor, etc... Scientologists believe that modern medicine is a farce. Tom Cruise said he could cure any psychological disorder by himself without medication.
  20. It was actually pretty easy to make :lol:
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