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Everything posted by Rob.m.Neilson

  1. I've recently started working with Futureshorts www.futureshorts.com which puts on monthly shorts festivals in Europe. They are setting up a branch in NYC and we already had one screening which sadly had to be projected from DVD. There were some problems in the PAL transfer and the dvd froze on the first film. I'd like to try to get them to do all of their NYC screenings in Beta, but what is the best process for this? Should I just get uncompressed quicktime files from them to go straight to beta? Will I have to get the files converted from PAL to NTSC? Any advice would be great!
  2. This film looked great for a 48hour entry! It was nicely paced..the only complaint I had was the actress that got beat up seemed a bit hammy at times ("Why are you doing this for me") and the score was a bit repetative at times...but still good for something made with a tight deadline! The ending shot of this film is beautiful!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it_ddpq7aJ0 newest cut is here. the youtube compression probably made this look far darker than it is...but you get what you pay for.
  4. I loved But Im a Cheerleader...but man this movie was horrible! However it did look bigger than its budget. David who were the UT students? I was surprised to see Jamie Babbit directing a burnt orange film!
  5. Thanks for your critique! I'm still cutting the project and I will most likely be cutting out the profile cu of Adolf in the opening in favor of just playing it out in the long shot. Then revealing his face when he gets up from his seat to inroduce herr doktor mabuse. -this was shot in B&W due to the huge amount of stock I had sitting in my fridge...this was done on a shoestring budget... -most of the dialoque in the film came from the short story (including the jfk thing)...while I ended up cutting out all the witty lines in the limo to speed to the scene with adolf. Would you sit through some more footage in the limo (another minute or so of mr. president as a drunken moranic mess) or should I just keep it short and sweet to get to the meat of the film? -I really like the cartoon intro of the film, i think it sets up Mr. President far better than the badly read dialoque that I cut from his phone conversation "I dont care if he's had relations with a pig, just get him to deny it to the press and my re-election is a slam dunk". I really liked that line, but got a bad performance for it. Thanks!
  6. Also heres the short synopsis of the film: After Mr. President is drugged by his closets aide during a routine limo ride he wakes up tied to a gurney to discover that not only is Adolf Hitler alive and well...but that he has extensive plans to use him as a pawn during his rise to power.
  7. Sorry for the crappy youtube compression but I havent begun to build my website yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMZnSG2DmGc Tell me what you think I shot this on S16 2222 under extreme amounts of duress due to torrential rain that screwed up all of my original locations!
  8. Bump for friday! Come out and see the films...its FREE to get in and we have cheap drinks!
  9. Here are some stills from my film FINAL VICTORY that will be shown in the program! <IMG SRC="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/128/355182470_23b8d82543_m.jpg"> <IMG SRC="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/123/355182461_99f1d81f53_m.jpg"> <IMG SRC="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/132/355182455_e9212bf5e0_m.jpg"> <IMG SRC="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/146/355182443_481a021851_m.jpg"> <IMG SRC="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/148/355181253_1dd5d3402e_m.jpg"> hopefully this board allows html!
  10. I dunno if i can sit through this movie since ive heard nearly every battle shot is in slow motion! But maybe since it is going to IMAX ill go to see it.
  11. both of these films just made me want to watch In Cold Blood...nothings better than seeing an actual murderer playing a murderer on screen. Plus Capote seemed to be one of those "indies" that was trying waaaaaaay to hard to garner awards.
  12. yeah i know how hard it is to not click on a post. i dont understand why this board has so many sandy vaginas. yeah i know how hard it is to not click on a post. i dont understand why this board has so many sandy vaginas.
  13. C'mon out and see our shorts! We've got ninjas, an alive and well adolf hitler, george bush, crazy animations, and a doc made in india! http://farm1.static.flickr.com/170/3670348...637c99e.jpg?v=0 FRIDAY FEB 2nd 8-10PM Millennium Theater e 4th street NYC!
  14. Looks like that attachment was too big for the board: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/170/3670348...637c99e.jpg?v=0
  15. FRIDAY FEB 2nd FROM 8-10 PM at the Millennium Theater E4th street NYC! All the info is available on the flyer I attached. It should be a great night! It looks like the attachment didnt work...find the flyer here: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/170/3670348...637c99e.jpg?v=0
  16. FRIDAY FEB 2nd FROM 8-10 PM at the Millennium Theater E4th street NYC! All the info is available on the flyer I attached. It should be a great night!
  17. You could shoot sync with a motorized bolex. The FPS might not run perfectly, but I think it would be close enough unless you are planning to do very long takes for the film. However a bolex is really loud, and you would have to pile the DP under sound blankets for most of the shots. It also depends how much cash to have to spend. If I was going to shoot a feature on S16 I would buy an Arri SRII, or an Aaton Minima...but those are a bit expensive.
  18. It's certainly dubbed using a DV cam deck. I use my old GL-1 as my playback deck at home and have the same problems anytime Ive tried to play DVcam. Perhaps you can find a sony clamshell to digitize it, or at the very least a Sony camera which should be able to play it back for you.
  19. It was actually really simple, just putting on the noisegate filter, and putting (i cant remember which setting) from 1 to 2 did it all.... Now I just have to figure out a way to fix my clipped audio if that is even possible without ADR. The soundman i used is a great friend, but was a little too green for this project.
  20. Definetly throw down the cash to get a mac with a decent amount of ram, and an extra hard drive. It should be easy to find a copy of FCP for free somewheres. As for a camera, an XL-2 is nice, but if youre just starting out I dont think it even matters much what camera you shoot on, since at the moment you really need to concentrate on your storytelling ability.
  21. Thanks Daniel, I may take you up on that offer! Lemme just get my rough cut finished first and Ill play around to see if I can remove the frequency of the camera in the background.
  22. Dwayne's Photo it is I believe! Ill check them out. In NYC pretty much the only places that process super 8 are A1 and Pac Lab. Both of them are decent, but I have never trusted their results.
  23. I live in NYC and the labs here that develop super 8 are pretty dicey, I heard some good stuff about a place called Duane something in Ohio, but Im not sure if they cross process. If anyone has any experience with a good lab please let me know. thanks! R
  24. We had a barney, as well as a soundblanket over the camera yet we still ended up with mag noise...the acoustics inside that car were pretty amazing. you could play a good game of telephone.
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