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John Adolfi

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Everything posted by John Adolfi

  1. In Steve Osbornes Reel Image a new $3000 Fumeo Super 8 projector was going to be manufactured. Anyone hear anything about this? This was 2-3 years ago the announcement came. It sounded like a great projector.
  2. Chris, If you haven't been told lately. Thank you. The magazine is great. I'm a new subscriber. The work envolved is never totally appreciated... I know from experience. Keep it going friend! BTW get some controversy a try in the next issue. Give Santos an opportunity to voice his mantra. That would be great fodder. Seriously. A total sell out.
  3. Superman 1978 on super-8 projected on the back of my house in 1979 pumped through my friends 200 watt amp and blasting out the king sized JBLs with tweeters the size of a plasma TV was better than the Superman Returns content. We want humanity! We want story! We want complex characters. The best thing about SR's was the opening credits, opening music and Brando. Lex was a bomb, and the kid was questionable, effects were great but over done. Again who cares about the characters...ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz. Remember the scene with Luke fighting Vader in ESB. Notice the lack of visual information in the background, a star light source, color, smoke. Less is more! This is one of the best fight scenes and dialogue plot progressions ever..."I'm your father" Can't beat that with a stick. Look King Kong lost it for me when Watts acted like she was dating the animal as apposed to just keeping it arms length and appreciating the protection. See the look in her confused eyes when her human lover came to save her the fist time on the cliff...yuck! Was that a date they were on in Central Park...double yuck!!! Kong did a dissapointing 218 million, if it was a better film it would of been KING with a 400 mill take. So the audience came once because of the build up and Peter Jackson, but never came back for a second look. Narnia was boring...I'm a Christian but I do not like this story. The film never made me care about the Lion. Let him die so what. Kids batteling at the end was dumb and unrealistic against seasoned fighters. But I'm glad it did well financially. Surprisingly better than Kong and Superman.
  4. Saw these films with great anticipation and they all tanked: 1.) Superman 2.) King Kong 3.) Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe My only hope is to see some humanity finally shine forth in a movie that some were laughing at earlier this year with its announcement but not anymore since the second trailer hit the net/theaters...Rocky Balboa.
  5. I'm more than unqualified and I'm heading the RS today!
  6. Why model number? Do you prefer Omni, Cardiod or other and why?
  7. Please don't say radio shack. I just would like to pick up two good lapel mics. Not the wireless type. To be used for interviews. Thanks.
  8. I own a digital recorder and it records on a 2GB flash card. My formats to record range from WAV 24 bit 44.1 kHz to MP3 16bit 320 kps-64kps. I want to record interviews and be able to e-mail the sound files to a friend who edits our stuff for on line distribution like Youtube. My question is what is the reasonable format to record in so I can have a reasonable file size to e-mail and have decent quality? Any thoughts? thanks.
  9. I own a digital recorder and it records on 2GB flash card. My formats to record range from WAV 24 bit 44.1 kHz to MP3 16bit 320 kps-64kps. I want to record interviews and be albe to e-mail the sound files to a friend who edits our stuff for on line distribution like Youtube. My question is what is the reasonable format to record in so I can have a reasonable file size to e-mail and have decent quality? Any thoughts?
  10. I have not had the chance to look through one but my limited understanding is that the 16x9 is etched or cropped on the viewfinder if you care to shoot 16x9 in standard 3x4 format.
  11. How many times do you think, if you are careful and have good equipment, that a S8 film can be projected before it looks like it needs to be retired?
  12. I'm not sure I follow you. What is out of adjustment? Optical? What exactly does that mean? How do you know this? Seems to me all you are doing is taking the filter inside out and replacing it with an external filter. +filter-filter = -filter+filter. Simple algebra.
  13. I got this idea from this forum a few months back and I want to place this before you people. Since the super-8 cameras are getting older and because of the newer film sotck demands, when we have a camera overhauled should we ask the Tech to remove the internal filter and then go with an external one. I'm assuming correctly that this flimsy pieces of plastic can or could deteoriate, get damaged? Also having the fullest control would mean chosing between a 85 or 85B to better balance a film temp.
  14. At 239 Euros plus shipping for 1000 ft. of film it comes to about $15 per 50' roll excluding the 1000 foot roll shipping. Then load your own cartridge with the metal plate. Or buy 50' cart. of film direct from Kodak and use you own reuseable plate. Seems like the metal plate in Kodaks cart. is the better deal all around. Am I missing something?
  15. Has anyone used this?? What reloadable film is available? How much are these?
  16. What I was getting at was to get a closer look at the "gate" in the Russian cartridge.
  17. I have tired the metal pressure plate. It works and it steadies the picture about 20-50%. But I have never seen this Russian reloadable cartridge. Anyone have any experience with it? I'd love to see some close-ups of the gate area. Is it worth the hassle? Where do we buy 100-400 loads, Europe?
  18. Kodachrome is gone but the future does look bright with the negative films offered and the prospect of the 50D, 100T and the 100D films being offered by Kodak. Now the big question is: Will someone offer sound striped film. If they did I'd be shooting more family, more documentary in super-8. I mean the ultimate is 100D sound striped super-8 film. Do I hear an "Amen". The thing is that you can record sound and post it on DV and edit without the issue of the 18 or 24 frame lag in sound vs. picture. That means editing your sound super-8 without that long ago hassle. If a roll of sound striped super-8 film cost as much as a roll of 16mm silent, I'd be recording our events in living color both of picture and sound in a heartbeat. Let's storm the castle, who's with me!!!
  19. I see from the literature that the A-Minima has a sound level of 29db. Is that level low enough for sync sound?
  20. The point of this whole thread is to encourage the people who have placed limitations on Super8 and to "allow" the some the creative leeway to create beautiful, sharpe, steady pictures boarding the 16mm look. If I want to trick out a camera with a digiprime and use the metal pressure plate and have the film transfered to 10 bit HD onto a harddrive so I can have a small medium with all its benefits look good enough to release on DVD and appear professional, then hey why not. But the opposite is taking place. People are crying, "No its over kill, too expensive, not necessary, go to 16mm why don't you, that's not super-8's function in the past and certainly not now either." Well let me end here and sum it up with the famous line of that former beatle song "All we are saying is give super-8 a chance" John Lennon - Bed Peace.
  21. You know super-8 has a bad rap for being unsteady. It's an almost dead give away it's S8, even if the footage is sharp, when the image wiggles up on the screen. My ideas for the steadiest framelines are as follows. 1.) Double Super 8 camera has a metal pressure plate built in the camera like 16mm 2.) Leicina Steady as she goes. Transport gate is narrow not allowing much wiggle. 3.) Single 8 camera which has a metal pressure plate built in the camera like 16mm 4.) Beaulieu or higher end cameras with a metal plate that slips in the cartridge. Here's another idea. How about the Leicina with the pressure plate. Would this make the camera produce ultrasteady pictures? Also I'd make sure if Iever shot film in a Canon DS8 camera I would: A.) Have the camera serviced as soon as I bought it. B.) Never use Foma B&W. I did it was gittery, bad, and ended up selling the camera before I investigated it further. Now I do believe that you can control the registration in post with some funky software, but I do not know what the pros and cons are.
  22. Does "direct to disk" mean direct to hardrive?
  23. Since the "new age" of super-8 is upon us and mailing a hard drive to the labs will be a new experience for some like myself this coming year, what experience has anyone in shopping and purchasing hard drives. Are we buying 500GB drives? What about price vs. quality of the unit? Any tips on packing it for shipment?
  24. Just got word from the owner of single8film.com. He said reloadable single8 cartridges will be available by years end. Now where do we get the Vision2 and 100D,50D stocks on reels to load these?
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