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Brad Grimmett

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Everything posted by Brad Grimmett

  1. It is. But I haven't heard anyone say the "hundred" part in a long time. It's just 10-1 or 10-2.
  2. I remember on a certain job instead of doing that we just said "twist". It referred to the twisting motion. Why it got turned back into verbal communication, I don't know.
  3. I've always equated Nazism with religion, since there were a lot of people blindly following a guy with a God complex. But I see what you're saying. I didn't mean to imply that believing in God is evil. I don't think it is. Maybe instead of this, " And we've found new ways to repair ourselves, which is sometimes suppressed in the name of God." I should have said this, " And we've found new ways to repair ourselves, which is sometimes suppressed in the name of religion." That statement was mostly in reference to stem cell research, or lack thereof.
  4. When I worked on live golf we used to send the green utility back to the truck guy to get a cable stretcher. They always came back with a 200 footer of course. We also used to park our golf carts in front of a porta potty someone had just gone into, but that's a whole other story.... I hear new slang all the time from DP's, AD's, AC's, PA's...you name it. Most of the time it's something that's a joke between a few people and they often enjoy it when you ask, especially if you get a chuckle out of it. But if you ask what the Martini is you're gonna get a lot of funny looks.
  5. Film Tools might have it. Call first. And if they don't I bet they can tell you who does.
  6. Hi Nacho. Please change your user name to your real first and last name as per the forum rules. Thanks.
  7. Well, a lot of people HAVE figured it out. The reason the debate goes on is that some people still haven't. They disregard the facts and believe what they want. That in itself wouldn't be so bad, except that a lot of those people go around trying to convince everyone else that they're right and that they should join them. And the crazy part is, a lot of people DO join them. They join out of fear, or selfishness, or whatever, and they become another one of the herd. If there were no religion a lot of people would surely find something else to join. Yes, we've found new ways to kill each other, often in the name of God. And we've found new ways to repair ourselves, which is sometimes suppressed in the name of God.
  8. Just looking at the picture of your setup I immediately have concerns about how to run cable from the camera without having it twist and twist around the base of the crane. I suggest you rig some kind of hook directly above the base of the crane and hang the cable from it so that it doesn't twist. Cool idea for a shot by the way.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, and all the other US posters. And I'll chime in and say that I hope all of our Indian posters are alright as well. I believe that that area of Mumbai is considered to be the hub of filmmaking in India. I hope they get things under control and find the perpetrators and organizations behind the attacks quickly and with minimal loss of life.
  10. Yeah, it would certainly seem that way if you're talking about scientific proof. The question is, why would someone believe in something that hasn't been proven over the last couple thousand years, instead of believing in the thing(s) that has been proven? At least, that's always been MY question.... There are facts, and there is speculation and theory. I personally always go with the facts.
  11. Wow, I learned something reading that overview. Crazy stuff.
  12. How about a probe lens? Besides the funny double entendre, you can get some great shots with those lenses.
  13. Hmm, OK. I guess I'm wrong about that. Although, I wasn't speaking directly about a scientist, or scientists, just ordinary people like myself who make judgments based on what they know to be fact.
  14. There is a flaw with this argument. People that only believe what they "see/hear/prove/diprove" are basing their BELIEFS on facts, not on faith. So those people don't need to use faith to believe what they believe, so they aren't exercising any faith at all. I disagree about your assertions about "disproving" things as well. There is no need to disprove most things. If you can prove it, it exists, if you can't prove it, then there is SOME possibility that it exists. That doesn't mean it does, it just means there is no proof one way or the other.
  15. I find it very hard to believe in something if there is no proof that that "something" actually exists. If someone tells me it's raining outside, I believe them, but I can still look outside to see. If someone tells me that God exists, I ask them to prove it, and I've yet to have anyone give me any proof that their claim is true. I wouldn't mind if someone could prove it, but so far they've all been unable. As a thinking and questioning person, I can't understand how people have "faith" that God exists every day. I CAN understand how people in need or a dire situation believe...because they have no other hope. I think a lot of times what religion does is take the hope out of people and replace it with fear. In my opinion, most religions are only concerned about one thing...money. I think most religion is just like George Bush, big, dumb, and unwilling to listen to reason and unwilling to compromise. They just aim themselves in one direction and go there, no matter how ridiculous that direction is, and no matter who it hurts. Now I'm mixing religion AND politics...I'm really asking for it now I guess! I look to facts to understand things. If there are no facts, there is no understanding. I don't fault or have any problem with someone that believes differently than me. We can all think for ourselves and decide what we believe to be true. What I DO have a problem with is people who try to force their beliefs on me, and when I cannot be coerced, they judge and curse me and tell me I'm going to hell. Or, in the case of a particular poster on this forum...he calls people he doesn't agree with pathetic, weak, childish, intellectually weak, and feeble minded. I've experienced quite a few religious nutjobs like that in my lifetime, and I don't mind having a chuckle sometimes when they rant and rave. The hypocrisy is actually quite funny. I've just realized that I'm the one ranting now, so I'll shut up. And to those that read the thread that started THIS thread....my apologies if I was out of line. I found it hard to hold my tongue (and fingers) and probably should not have posted publicly.
  16. "I am sure Brad will gladly delete." Nope, I won't delete a thing. I think your words and actions speak loudly, and for themselves. How does Playboy pay by the way? I've always wondered how well high end porn paid. I'm also curious what cameras you used. I'm guessing Beta SP, as that was the big favorite back in the mid 90's. Or was it film? "I have lost all respect for this forum.. for those who indulge in this pathetic, childish discussion" Hmm, seems like you have the most posts in this thread. Does that make you MORE childish and pathetic than the rest of us? Thanks for the laughs...
  17. I spoke to Visual Products about 8 months ago and they didn't have one full set of primes. The Red market sucked up all the full sets. I asked him to give me a call if any full sets of Ultra Primes, Super Speeds, S4's, or Master Primes came on his radar and I haven't heard a peep. I basically gave up on the idea of buying a used set now. And when I looked into buying a new set the exchange rate was so bad that the prices had gone up so much that buying them didn't make sense. It's a lot better now I'm sure. Give Visual Products a ring, but don't hold your breath.
  18. Now those are personal attacks. Your "message" has no place here, and neither do the attacks. And I'm starting to think that you shouldn't be here either.
  19. Then why have you repeatedly said that is does? If you were simply posting that you thought porn was wrong, that would be one thing, but you're not. You keep going on and on about "the creator" and Intelligent Design. Those things have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. They probably haven't posted because they know this isn't the place for it. Whether you like it or not, porn is legal. The "moral implications" are irrelevant here. If my comments have dissuaded someone else from posting similar things as you, then they've done their job. It's obvious that you don't. You've "tsk tsk"ed people and said "shame on you" to people you disagreed with. You also called someones post "pathetic" and "sad". Not only are those comments childish, but they're judgmental. I thought religious people weren't supposed to judge other people. Have I been misinformed? "Judge not lest ye be judged" right? No, you've kept this thread going more than anyone else. I'm sure YOU think it's harmless since it's your beliefs you're trying to shove down everyone else's throats. Because they haven't been pushing their beliefs like you have. It seems that every other thread you post in you manage to slip in something about god or your beliefs. Again, this isn't the place for that. If someone constantly went on and on about Atheism I would respond to them in the same way I've responded to you. I did, to make a point. I'm sure you don't like reading that, just as I don't like reading about your personal beliefs that have nothing to do with cinematography.
  20. Hi Denny. Please change your user name to your real first and last name as per the forum rules. Thanks.
  21. I've heard this many times, but I've also heard that this carries absolutely no weight if you are actually involved in a law suit. I'm not a lawyer though, so do your own research.
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