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Pax Martins

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Everything posted by Pax Martins

  1. Hi Guys, My maths :blink: calculations are not coming together for me in ascertaining the correct shutter angle for a s16mm blow-up to 35mm. Can anyone please provide the formula? Many Thanks in advance
  2. John, Don't you find the fuji stock noisier as it is thinner than kodak's? Also, the pastels..... :blink:
  3. COM was a great film. Finally a futuristic film that didn't go to silly land.....There were so many things that still related to today. That for me was the key in the content. Take it further but don't exaggerate. As for Chivo, he did some fantastic work!! Chose the right stock to work with practically no film lighting. I think it was essential for him to achieve that with some really good post work.... Loved the sparrow head work inside the car!
  4. Has anyone seen any unlit images of faces with the '19? I found that the '18 needed light....unlike the '29.
  5. Great site!! Thanks a bunch! Cheers
  6. Heya, Does anyone know the equipment needed to do a time lapse that includes a dolly move? A bit like what was done in the BBC David Attenborough's series about bugs..... Cheers
  7. HI Guys, can anyone please tell me what 'printing lights' means and how it is done? Many thanks Pax
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