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David Rakoczy

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Everything posted by David Rakoczy

  1. I have used Technicolor and Deluxe each once. CFI a couple times. However, I have used Fotokem for over 20 years and hope to use them another 20! The Production Dept. is first rate and it is hard to find a more dedicated, knowledgeable person than Mark Van Horne.
  2. Hey.. I wrenched on my kids' Go-Karts today ' ta boot' !... I'll take a Gear Head over a Table Saw, Band Saw or Jig Saw any day... MUCH safer for me! :lol: :o OUCH!!!
  3. :lol: I built a 1966 Malibu 383 Stroker 'Pro Street' Car and some Tree Forts but Dove-Tails and the like I'd have to hire out. btw, to keep this film related... David Lynch is quite a Woodworker!
  4. I agree with John. Tom, under Tungsten lights you can shoot (any) speed.. except when you get into the 300fps realm. Under HMI you need to shoot at speeds divisible by 6. Fluorescents by 6 as well however some Fluorescents and Neon are hit and miss even at a speed divisible by 6. I have had Fluoro and neon flicker at 48fps.
  5. Please forgive my language but sometimes there are only certain words that can actually describe something..... we call it "A cluster-f*ck".
  6. Thanks for the thorough report John. That was my fear and being in Florida I'd have to fly to LA to spin the Wheels a couple times. I like the fact that your report included a heavier camera. I am thankful the Worrall showed up!
  7. Trevor... THANKS! You are absolutely right Chris, but time is money... by the time I get the Bracket and quality Wood and take someone to dinner for helping me bang one out it will come close to the $190... I like that Backstage one and that interesting cut they made for oversized objects.
  8. Thanks Chris. I looked around and there really doesn't seem to be that many versions available... a matter of fact that Don Earl Model seems to be the most popular... gonna order that one (hopefully with a black, not pinkish, bracket)... unless someone has a used one?????? hint hint ;)
  9. Chris is absolutely correct.. and Karl.... Shutters look like lightning not a 'flash'... I have used Data Flashes.. they are cheap and easy to find and you can adjust the duration of the flash... I just set it to my eye and shot and it worked great. Here it is. Many theatrical renatl houses have them. The color temp looked very natural on Tungsten Film.
  10. I am looking for a Front Box for a Mini Worrall Geared Head. Which do you recommend? How about this one?
  11. I googled Mini Mitchell and Mini Worrall Geared Head and there was one listing for each. The Mini Mitchell is at Visual Products (that is the one Chris Keth mentioned) and there was one listing for a Mini Worrall on Craiglist. I contacted the guy (Robert Smith in LA - super nice guy) and asked him to drop it off at my Head Repair guy's house... a couple hours later Rafael called and said the Head is in great shape... actually much better than what is pictured... he said the photos make it look a lot more used than what it looks like in person and he said it functions perfectly! So I paid Robert through Paypal ($4,000 USD) and for that I got the Mini Worrall Head, Two Plates, Eyepiece Leveler Holder and an Anvil Case. It is currently en route here to Florida where it arrives Dec 2. I am thrilled! I am often very lucky (blessed) when it come to equipment. When I need or desire something, it usually surfaces at quite a deal. Now I have a Gear Head to ride my Dolly (which came about much the same way as this Head). The problem is, I am paying about the same for new (Mitchell) Standard & Baby Sticks, Spreaders and Hi Hat.. but whatever.. If I get out for under $8k for the Head and brand new Mitchell Support I'll consider it a deal. btw.. later I saw this Head listed in CML. I found it here. ... I kinda feel like a great deal on Mitchell Support is gonna show up... we'll see. Happy Thanksgiving All! :)
  12. Thanks Steven... I was wondering about that comment?????
  13. Here is Rafael Rodriguez's contact number... he lives near Glendale, CA. He has always been very helpful on all repairs.. Fluid or Geared! Please tell him I sent you. Home - 323.660.4993 Cell - 213.446.1944
  14. I am so sorry Chris.. I know who you are :lol: ... I have two lines blinking and a ton of emails flowing in and while juggling all that I am trying to carouse with my Film buddies. Sheesh. My apology... see Mr. Mull(e)n and Salzman(n)... this is a habit I really need to work on... s-l-o-w-i-n-g down... Well....Gotta go!
  15. Thanks Chris. My Head Repair guy (Rafael Rodriguez in LA)... is giving it a tune up/ paint touch up.... may chrome the Wheels etc... Now I need some Mitchell Support (see Cine Marketplace Forum).
  16. I am looking for a set of (Mitchell) Standard and Baby Sticks, Spreader and Hi Hat here in the US in GOOD condition. Any Leads appreciated.
  17. Thanks for the insight guys! I own a complete SR2, Dollies, Grip & Electric... but I have always wanted my own Gear Head.. I miss the Wheels! So, I just purchased a Mini Worrall in GREAT shape!
  18. Between the Mini Mitchell and Mini Worrall, which do you prefer?... I have always used ArriHeads and Panaheads... but I sure want my own Gear Head :wub:
  19. Has anyone played with the GearNex Gear Head? Gear Heads are probably what I miss the most about LA and I've been pondering this item... If you have used it I'd love to know what you think about it's use with a Full SR2 Package. They sure nailed the price point... but does it function effectively?
  20. Sorry for the misspelling of your name David... I hope the fact that I push your book like no one else can make up for that type-o. Dan, if you write a book (and it is good) I'll push it as well... my apologies on your name as well. ;)
  21. That approach seems haphazard to me Mr. Mullin... I want to (know) what the camera is seeing in relation to what color image the post folks are manipulating into black and white and what exactly (that) looks like... ultimately isn't it 'our' responsibility to deliver a final image based off what has occurred along the way? Full and complete Test is again best... Mr. Salzman... there has got to be a way.... good luck!
  22. Exactly... I did not get that across on my post... (Oh Brother/ Mr. Deakins is a great example). Obviously, we want to do what is best for Post because 'in the end' that is all there is... but as a DP we (have) to see or know (via meters) what we are doing/ getting. So if there is a way to (see) what we are shooting (in color)... on a monitor (in black & white) ... that would be optimum. I shoot mostly color film and use a B&W monitor (for framing only) so I am no expert in this area but I sure know as a DP what I would expect to get the job done... right.
  23. That is Cow Crap David and you know it! So the fact that YOU did not make that leap dismisses those of us who read the obvious implications of Brian's statements? ...AND.... If you took that one remark as a personal attack and as a "reason" to shut down a thread.. I could ask Tim to shut down HUNDREDS of threads on this site! Are you kidding?! It was your bias and your 'pull' that made that happen and I hardly took your action as quote unquote 'christian'. Quit parading. Who do you think you are kidding? The other remarks remain.... The thread should have been moved to Off Topic (in it's entirety).... or the ENTIRE thread should have been deleted. Unbelievable! tsk tsk....
  24. Pretty amazing to watch bias in action. This statement irked me: If we were to assume that the basic foundation of your ideas have any validity at all, I'd suggest that the comparison isn't one of a political nature, but rather a religious one wherein the "film" aficionados are the religious zealots, placing tradition and belief above progress and scientific advancement. -Drian Dzyak So I responded... and after a socialistic defense by Brian... and Mr. Jenson bringing up the idea that Christianity IS socialism..... I responded again .. and what happens? The thread is SHUT DOWN. Closed! Of course, all that was discussed is lost. That is the most important part. It is amazing to see bias in action! They don't seem to mind three days of Viagra on the site but boy, defend your faith or take a stance against atheism or socialism after another member's remarks and you WILL be shut down. Welcome to the new fascism. You can expect this thread to die as well. Nice to see an open 'exchange' of ideas. You could be next!... unless you fit 'in' of course!
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