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Chris Millar

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Everything posted by Chris Millar

  1. CNC softs don't usually use time the way we would want to for moco - but I'm interested in finding out if you can get one to work ;) I love this sort of carry on
  2. The iris in a POE is actually two blades each with kinks in them that form roughly a square when closed down - if they weren't adjusted properly and closed too far light may fall around the outer edges of them as you describe ... The area of the lens however at these points should still be a part of the image forming 'solution' and simply over expose your images (which may well make up for the under exposure from the initial misalignment :lol: ) - anyhoo, there is also another mirror/prism thingy in there which directs light up to the meter on the POE, maybe you are letting some stray light into areas of this that aren't so awesome when it comes to forming a coherent image. This would also explain why your other footage may well be fine, in that the blades were at f8 and wouldn't allow this extra squeak of light through the lens. Try this: Open your lens fully up (iris that is) then close it slowly noting when the iris blades actually start to appear - if on the little scale dingalingy thingy you are stopping down already and the blades have failed to appear then at least you have an issue with correct iris referencing and I might be right about the rest. You'll also likely spot the prism I refer to, see if it is in the area that the blades form that C shape. I have opened these up to fix previously - both the POE and PTL - in Australia at the moment though
  3. First thing I think of with Bolexes and light leaks is a missing filter holder... As for the ghosting, thats pretty neat - maybe a focused light source is being refracted/reflected a little somewhere. Inspect the neg to determine if it is a transfer issue first, then the inside of the camera lens mount, prism and gate. Having thought about it a little, prism could be the go actually (assuming its RX).
  4. Predator = post heavy work, think rotoscope yeech or the real deal = $$$ There are probably some botched/fake heat sensitive film look filters for After Effects that you might want to look into also, but they are pretty cheeseball. Nightmode = As it is on everyones miniDV camera unless you're a smart bean and can work around it (Blair Witch springs to mind) it will really have an amateur look. Maybe a combo of NV shots then some color work/filters in post on that will get you heading in the right direction, how much time you want to spend on this ? What cameras do you have ? What if/any softwares are you going to use ? Intended output ? Not quite sure what you mean by 'will that work' ...
  5. Your average night vision and heat sensitive cameras are two different things. One uses the IR range of light and luckily enough can be found on many consumer cameras - they give a monochromatic image that is often tinted green in harmony with the original nightvision scopes (Silence of the Lambs no ?) - the other is actually heat sensitive, some monochromatic also and some scale the heat range over the visible spectrum to get you that rainbow effect (not sure if they actually used one, but for now I'll say 'Predator style') these are whole different kettle of fish ... Think obscure, think $$$, think tanks of strange gas with university nerds and/or fire investigators over your shoulder. Do you have any footage in mind that you'd like to emulate ? If so, show us...
  6. Ya ever wonder if that is why people feel compelled to apologize for you ? Either that or maybe he wasn't apologizing for you in the first case ? Just wondering ... ;)
  7. Forgot to mention a 101 that you probably know about but in case you dont - ask leading questions ... "tell me about ..." "what are your feelings about ..." I'm sure there are more sophisticated versions of that, but not: "Are you happy with ..." "Did that hurt ..." etc... They inevitably lead to one word YES/NO responses. ;) I find it helps multitudes to have a genuine interest in what they have to say, I guess it takes a real pro to extract stuff from people that would otherwise bore them (without projecting a false interest and potential false response from the interviewee)
  8. Recently in Liberia I was interviewing some a group of people over a two week period. The best footage came from day one when I looked simply like a tourist with a camera and we just chatted naturally, I was shooting establishing footage and kept the camera rolling when they started talking. Picture looked like crap but we could use the audio, turned out pretty well. The actual interviews turned into exactly the lump of wood situation - that being said, some of that turned out to be usable also. But yes, keep it casual - and listen - so much I missed that could have been followed up on that I only notcied once I got a chance to watch the footage back home, reckon I was perhaps forcing my expectations of dialog upon them and they were following suit. It really is a fascinating process
  9. Take a dictionary into McDonalds, look up 'civilized' then have a look around.
  10. Ok, ha ha - yup, I'm laughing, barely - but yes, 'out loud' :lol: Lesson learned: Trying to keep threads on topic just fuels the off topic fire even more :rolleyes:
  11. Oh for gods sake Tom - go elsewhere, get a coffee - follow your own pursuits ... whatever, just stop bogging this thread down. ;) As I started to say in my last post: Argue with fools .... NO ONE CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE I think we ALL have something to learn from this ... (and sorry Karl, not an attack... I know you from many a thread in these forums, and value your contribution - might have come across a bit personal...) Now lets all listen to REM's Shiny Happy People - all of us holding hands, bigfoot incl.
  12. Tom, If it is a hoax or not is besides the point - it is still an object in itself and the amount of interest you're granting it just goes further to prove that. As the saying goes - argue with fools ... (people are naturally free to choose the particular target I refer to here)
  13. "You are allowed one larger lithium ion battery installed in a device, plus up to 2 spare larger lithium ion batteries. " I'm ok then, with my EX1 - that is if the batteries are "100 and 300 watt-hours (8-25 g equivalent lithium content, or ELC.)" - where does these rules come from though ? are they international or specific to the US only ?
  14. Just to clarify - I was referring to Karl when I said "Well then... dont" Just my point of view but I think Bills discussion is certainly worth merit - read his above post ... ...but more to the point - even it wasn't in anyones opinion not worth discussing who are we really to say it isn't ? Righto, that out of the way - and please I hope upon hope that I'm not stirring up further off topic debate (another thread maybe ?) - lets get back to the discussion. I dont have anything to contribute myself but I'm following it out of interest :lol:
  15. Hitting the bottom line a$ people would chose the other carrier$ that $till allowed them on no ?
  16. It was a Nigerian based carrier and was purely an attempt to extort cash out of me, but not on their behalf but instead the 'helpful' airport staff who realized we weren't in need of assistance (at a fee naturally) - as predicted the AA's were enough to get past... The airline however was the type you'd find mosquitos between the external and internal glass: I'd say I'm maybe I dunno one of thousands (?) who fly around regularly with Sony products such as the EX1... As the youtube video says "We intentionally created conditions in which the Li-ON battery pack would explode" - not your average cabin stowage conditions... heh heh, nice little fire there though huh :o (btw. the part numbers were BP-U30 and BP-U60)
  17. yup, actually - I must admit lately I've given up on the card and now just bounce off the skin directly to check things are as expected - if its important stuff I note the range from dark to light is also of interest as I soup the negs for pt/pd (pyro PMK) ... Ha, wonder how many other large format people there are on here ? You and I often turn up in these spot meter threads :P
  18. hmmm, yeh seems pretty arbitrary ... Flew all around the world with my EX1 - got to Liberia, on the way out was told I wasn't allowed the extra batteries in my hand luggage - had two UP60's (the biggies) and one of the smaller types - odd, they let me put one UP60 on the camera which was fine but the other two they showed me the rubbish bin to put them in . Awesome Not happy as I had already checked in my luggage - so anyway, I put them back in the bag, pulled out some AA's I had in there and threw them in the bin instead - told them they were more useful for them than my camera ones were and they should use them - winked and walked off ;)
  19. To quote myself from another spot meter thread: So yes, I keep the meter close to the lens but will put the card off axis on occasion - which in some ways is a relative analog of metering away from the lens - if you get what I mean... :blink:
  20. I've often wondered how many times people have taken a heavily side biased or back lit scene and spot metered a reading off a grey card parallel to the focal plane. The card being flat will get only the general diffuse spill reflection of the surrounding area and none of the direct light from the sources. Solution ... well, there isn't one exactly, a prescribed one at least - you just have to get your head around the limitations of a meter so you're not stuck with just the general cases - once you do understand the limitations they actually become useful ... Yes, books are good - zone system, good, but don't get bogged down in it too much to begin with.
  21. No, but it sure sounds good - description reminiscent of 'Tears of the Black Tiger'
  22. bokeh at the extremities of the frame the circle (or hexagon, whatever...) that your iris makes becomes more and more a projection of a circle viewed from an angle - ovular so to speak. Zoom lenses due to the design can truncate this due to the fact they are more barrel like. Open up your lens speed wise and then have a look down it, move it round - notice the similarities of the shape of the bit you can see through and the shapes you see in the bokeh ?
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