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Daniel Porto

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Everything posted by Daniel Porto

  1. Nah the movie I shot on my mobile phone most likely will
  2. Found these tests on Claudio's site and thought that I should share! http://www.claudiomiranda.com/lenstest/page2.html There is some other useful information aswell
  3. Hey Everyone! Just wondering what this is attached to the camera for 'The International'. The lens seems to bend at a 45 degree angle in order to get the lens close to the ground. Link to the picture: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm389777920/tt0963178 I understand that in other circumstances you would use a low angle prism... (don't know much about them) THANKS
  4. In this situation would you just cut off the already exposed neg, and then thread the remaining amount of film into another mag (while disposing of the damaged section of film)?? Thanks
  5. Dude what can you expect? I paid for 2000ft of film and ended up getting around 1400ft. But for $300 (less then one roll of film) I was happy. But you should be complaining
  6. I can feel the pain just by reading these!
  7. Everyone makes mistakes on the set from time to time but as human beings it is our nature to try and hide the problem, rather then admitting to a mistake. This is mainly caused by the fear of never getting work again or of paying off a broken piece of expensive equipment for the rest of eternity! There are plenty of disaster stories out there and I would like to hear yours (wether if it was to do with you directly or some story that you once heard). Looking forward to some of the responses! DANIEL PORTO
  8. Well when you think of it we did evolve from apes, and I guess some people only evolved in appearance :lol:
  9. Use a pencil to reduce the chance of gate flare
  10. Haha Im not suggesting anything and I am quite confident that they are handling the 'digital revolution' quite effectively.
  11. Australia. While we certainly do a lot of video jobs it is still 70% film. I guess what I am saying is that except for regular clients if you need an F900 lets say, they are more likely to go to 'Video Australasia'
  12. The last one seems a bit dark a plain in the left hand side of frame and it just feels a little bit too dark and empty for me.
  13. I wasn't referring to a particular lens just what would happen if the flange was out. Thanks for all your help guys!
  14. Hey Everyone, If the flange is out on the camera will the lens still be able to focus but at a different distance to what it the real distance actually is (depending on the distance) i.e. instead of being in focus at 2' on the lens it will be in focus at about 2'1" (the subject is 2' away) Hope I explained myself clearly! THANKS
  15. Thanks heaps James! I already have a 75mm though all I need now is the rear 50mm attachment! If you find one let me know :) Thanks for helping OLEX! The 75mm is 35HAC4-1 (front anamorphic attachment) The 35mm is 35HAC 10-3 (with spherical lens at rear) The 75mm works perfectly but the 35mm does not focus at all. Could you please help? THANKS
  16. The main problem with Panavision is that it is deemed by many to be film only and this is not the case. Panavision are as just up to date as any other rental house out there and perhaps that have an even better advantage as not only can they purchase other camera makes but they also have there own. I am sure they will blow everyone away with their new digital camera. All they need to do is change their image that they specialize in both film and video.
  17. If you wanted to use film I reckon old film stock combined with color correction would defiantly suit the look
  18. James the photos are finally here! Haha Sorry it has taken me so long but I thought I would wait until I got my 35mm Anamorphic before I sent you the photos. I am having some problems though... (addressing to all) The 35mm wont focus. There are screws on the side that seem to be there to lock onto the rear part of the lens (the non-anamorphic bit), perhaps they are in the wrong position but I doubt that because I have moved the lens back and forth and still the same problem. Also when I attach the de-anamorphic viewfinder I can focus on the ground glass but it seems that only lines that are horizontal are in focus... not sure why and because of this the image wont focus. Hopefully someone can help me! THANKS DANIEL PORTO
  19. Your spoiling me David! Sort of reminds me of when I was six and being too lazy to walk... so I asked my dad if he could piggy back me :P But thank-you for your help as some the websites you just posted I haven't come across and they look like a good read!
  20. Greg Toland is one of the most celebrated and influential cinematographers to have ever lived. However, I have had a hard time tracking down any books/articles which focus directly on his work. If anyone out there knows of any good books or articles please post them below! THANKS DANIEL PORTO
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