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jake harris

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Everything posted by jake harris

  1. Yep, really good. Helpful, very into residual stuff..in a good way, not some tacky retro way. £100 membership, worth it.
  2. nice with the wide, not really any focusing issues with that. On the distance calculating have you guys come across 'Optics & Focus for cam assts'? Some good trig style methods in there using eyelevel etc...worth a look perhaps, very Zen.
  3. ...so did this happen? I'd really like to see.
  4. Sounds like a case of wood for the trees here. Most of the questions/problems people are on about are discussed by Paul Wheeler in this http://www.filmtools.com/digcinbypaul.html Seems like the combination of film and digital like in a DI is a good middle ground for now. Maybe both will exist toghether for the duration, if people can get over their film forever jive.
  5. There is a wiring diagram for the DIN here: http://www.marriottcameras.co.uk/instruct2...th_pictures.htm
  6. I tried filming there a couple years back. That street is soooo tiny. If you are in the middle of that crowd it will be hard filming as there is no room at all to move. Biggest worry would be the buckets of water people throw at you from the balconies, bag up your camera well! Also watch out because the lorries come right down the crowded street and if you're looking through the lens you could get caught out! Best bet I reckon would be to get on one of the lorries and film from there, or as Jonathan already said go long and stay back! Good luck.
  7. Rather than doing the math, an easy rule of thumb is for every 50% extension over the actual focal length you need to double your exposure (twice as long a shutter speed or open 1 stop). I've been trying to figure this out for a while and I eventually bought a leaflet of ebay with macro tables for d.o.f etc. Basically you open up 1/3 of a stop. Unless you extension is at the same length of the lens or over in which case its 2/3 of a stop. I'll try and scan the leaflet for you, its a photocopy though so quality might not be great. Does specify what d.o.f is with certain extensions and lens types, switar etc. Good Luck!
  8. If you use C-41 you will contaminate it and might mess up someones else's neg so don't send it for c-41 process at a lab, you need to remove the anti-halation backing before you process. This is done by removing the film from the cartridge in total darkness into a bucket with at least 1/2 Gal. of water with 2 or 3 tablespoons of Sodium Carbonate. Then pull the film through a sponge or cloth into a bucket with fresh water. Then process as normal. After the develop and stop you can work in light for the bleaches and washes. Good luck. Post the results!
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