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Dan Dumouchel

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Everything posted by Dan Dumouchel

  1. Maybe I should have posted this here. I was just hoping that people could point me to blogs that people here write on a regular basis specifically about cinematography. Or if you don't write one but read a specific DP's blog that'd be great too. Thanks,
  2. I'm starting a DP Blog and I wanted to know who here has cinematography blogs of their own or blogs that people here frequent. It'd be great to see what other people are doing.
  3. I lit a club once and I found that using theatric gels worked great! We shot the scene using 500T Fuji if I remember correctly. I used Red and Purple gels. I cranked a 2k off of an already present Disco ball and accented any glass with regular 1/2 CTB gel'd tungsten light. The actors were shot slightly warm... I think 1/4 CTO and I created as much negative space in the frame as I could to blink lights into. I also found that having moving/blinking lights and the Disco Ball wasn't distracting at all but helped sell the scene... but that's just my opinion. I'm sure whatever you decide will work great. Experiment with some gels and let us know your results.
  4. Haha, ya Sax playa... and I used to play Violin and some piano.
  5. Hi all, I'm looking for the ultimate resource on VFX Cinematography. Everything from shooting green/blue screen - to Motion capture. Grid charts, conversion charts, camera rigs, animatics, motion tracking, setup of lighting a 40 foot green screen backdrop and anything else that I haven't a clue about... which is a lot. I'm shooting a live action show with crazy FX and moving camera. I need to get it right. Is there anything out there like this? Thanks,
  6. I've shot some greenscreen on the Panasonic HVX200 720P DVXPro HD 4:2:2. I imported the footage on the P2 cards through Final Cut Pro 5 on my Mac. It plays great on my Mac but I don't have After Effects for OS X... so I burned the HD files on to 3 DVD's and went to edit on my PC at work using After Effects 7. The problem is that I import the files and all I see is a white screen. The same when I open them up in Quicktime... Do I need a special Codec for this? Any ideas to where I can find the codecs? Thanks for your help.
  7. P-p-please, Eddie! Don't throw me out. Don't you realize you're making a big mistake? I didn't kill anybody. I swear! The whole thing's a set up. A scam, a frame job. Thanks,
  8. Wow! Thanks for all the tricks and tips! I'll definetly use something less than silk and grab some Big ol black flags for the actors to stare at. Michael Nash... I am well aware that 3 days is long enough to shoot this... I just hope the weather cooperates because those 3 days are all we have... we have backup indoor shots but the band and director want out door so... ya, cross your fingers. I'll let you know how it turns out!!! Thank you so much. Take care all... Dumo
  9. Thanks for the advice guys. We are hoping to shoot facing South/SouthWest for the VIEW and that is why I am worried about my actors facing the sun. I will try my best to educate the director about this problem. And educate myself on how to use 12by's effectively. If there is anything I can read online about shooting outdoors please send a link... thanks. Dumo
  10. Hi there guys/gals, I'm new to this forum. I am shooting a music video out doors durring the day with low Canadian winter sun. I am worried that on the day we shoot (we don't have the option of waiting a day or two) it will be super bright and in the actors eyes causing them to squint the entire shoot. I would love to wait for magic hour but we only have 3 days to shoot a 4:50 video... I know CRAZY! But we have a deadline to meet. I was thinking of using 12X12 and a 8X8 with silk. But I am worried about shadows on the ground that look like a 12by or 8by. Also I am worried that this will make my actors look soft and underlit compaired to the background. Do I need bounce or a fill HMI for these scene's if this is the case because that will seriously slow the shoot down. Thanks, Dumo
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