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dio zafi

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Everything posted by dio zafi

  1. Long live France! Long live Liberty!
  2. starting my kodak film is cheap student's guide...starting with passion... 1.) use your 30% http://motion.kodak.com/motion/Education/index.htm?CID=go&idhbx=student 2.) short ends from major films (media service companies can help with this as well as your friends who are working on films..) 3.)ebay. (next post cheap film cameras..) (thanks odie and nikki)
  3. starting my kodak film is cheap student's guide...starting with passion... 1.) use your 30% http://motion.kodak.com/motion/Education/index.htm?CID=go&idhbx=student 2.) short ends from major films (media service companies can help with this as well as your friends who are working on films..) 3.)ebay. (next post cheap film cameras..) (thanks Odie..and Nikki)
  4. Did anyone see the new Mission Impossible yet?? picture of Tom behind the wheel... Kodak Motion Picture Film
  5. d1c1059b8f51e74d3163fdcb31af8ab7_cannes-2014_3.jpg
  6. CAMERAS USED IN FOR FILMS IN COMPETITION CANNES 2014…ARRI LT (MY FAVORITE) …ARRI ALEXA…F65….and a 5d2 used by a little know director by the name of GODARD...
  8. +100 we should all put the "film clause" in our contracts
  9. Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1 MP Digital SLR Camera - Black
  10. Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1 MP Digital SLR Camera - Black
  11. this is a like new camera we used for a commercial shoot in Paris…!! Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1 MP Digital SLR Camera - Black
  12. panavision very nice!! (i want to shoot all my projects on 35mm…with this camera or arri LT, which I could actually buy..and I'm saving for)
  13. ECLAIR 16mm movie camera ACL MOUNT selling an eclair 16mm check out link
  14. 16mm eclair movie camera and angeniux lens here is link from ebay…
  15. film excels…at high budget effects movies..Transformers…the NEW STAR WARS…(just checked TOTAL RECALL, great looking effects and SKIN TONE) ANALOG looks much better when projected with DCP..
  16. we just finished a multi camera shooting in Europe….here is one for sale works…great..send email for pictures...
  17. film is still so much more beautiful..i think shoot with both so you can keep both film and digital competing and evolving…still large Hollywood films are shooting on film because film excels at special effects..like STAR WARS…and if you have a controlled shooting ratio..film is cheaper...
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