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Marc Shipman-Mueller

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Everything posted by Marc Shipman-Mueller

  1. Jonah, I am not sure how to upload content here (anyone can help me?) but I have the 416 manual which has a photo on page 216 showing where the TC module is. Send me an email (msmmuelleratarri.de) and I can email it to you. Marc
  2. None taken. Yes, I used to be a first AC for some years, which is really helpful now when negotiating with customers. A film (or digital) set is a strange beast and unless you have worked on one, it is difficult to understand. No, I have not tested those filters yet. On my to do list (sigh).
  3. Indeed. As I said, all the DPs I know of that have tried it have loved it. And one (apologies to all ACs) has told me that he happily uses them, since he gets the better picture and changing the filters is what the AC is for. Now - if you have an Optimo 24-290 with matte box and three motors on there, it will take a little while to remove all that stuff and then change the filter, granted. This is why some DPs will set a base ND with the ARRI internal FSND, and then fine tune with NDs in the matte box. The beauty of this approach is that you can use external NDs lower than ND 1.2, which is where they usually start showing color balance shifts.
  4. Our Full Spectrum NDs, as used in the XT cameras (but also available as an upgrade to the Classic ALEXAs) are totally color neutral. While it is a bit more cumbersome to remove the lens, most of the DPs that I know who have tried them have stuck with them for that reason. Here is a comparison of regular ND filters and our FSNDs: http://www.arri.com/fileadmin/media/arri.com/camera/35-format-digital/ALEXA/IRND-FSND_Comparison.jpg Marc Shipman-Mueller, ARRI ALEXA Product Manager
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