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Skyler Carrico

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Everything posted by Skyler Carrico

  1. Couldn't figure out how to search for this topic with any success, so starting a new thread. I'm a relative novice in analog filmmaking without a ton of technical expertise or experience. I'm trying to figure out if I can use 16mm 500T to film the projected screening of digital footage in a low-light screening room. Assuming the projected image is bright enough to register workable light meter readings... some questions: 1. Is it okay for there to be any natural light coming in through the windows of the screening room? Or would that mess up the color balance? 2. Could there be any frame rate issues if I'm shooting at 24 fps (crystal sync)? Any other tips or tricks for getting usable footage is much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I'm trying to get some ND filters for a 12.5mm and a 17.5mm Cooke Kinetals I just purchased prior to receiving them. I can't find any information online on what the front thread size is. Anyone have these lenses who can tell me? Mine will be Arri-Standard mount, in case that matters.
  3. SSIA. 12.5mm acquired and wanted to make one more post here before purchasing what's available on eBay. Anyone willing to part with either of these gems?
  4. Hi all, I'm gathering equipment for a documentary project I'll be shooting with my ACLII and am curious of peoples thoughts on a lens quandary I've been struggling with... At the moment, I have only a TS to Arri-S adapter and a Zeiss 8mm Arri-S lens which I love. I'd like to have additional prime Arri-S lenses in the 12mm range and in the 16-18mm range. The best options seem to be: Cooke Kinetal 12.5mm + Cooke Kinetal 17.5mm Cooke Kinetal 12.5mm + Zeiss 16mm For consistency I'd love to stay 100% Zeiss but there seems to be no way to get ahold of a combined Arri Bayonet+Standard mount... Unless miraculously, anyone here might have one they'd be willing to part with. So my question is, how different aesthetically (i.e., in terms of "look") is the Cooke Kinetal glass compared with the Zeiss glass? Assuming coating/haze/fungus etc. are all in equally good shape, would switching between scenes shot with each render noticeable differences aesthetically? Would I be better off trading out the 8mm Zeiss for a 9mm Cooke, so as to have a full Cooke set?
  5. Oh wow, wasn't even showing up in a search on US eBay. Thanks Steven, I'll probably try to bid
  6. I don't believe there is, at least not Arri-S mount. The only Arri-S mount on eBay is priced at like $900.
  7. SSIA. Anyone have one they'll part with, by chance?
  8. Hi, I'm looking for someone to either sell me a spare or fabricate an ACL power cable for me. The one I have is not well made and is not holding up - the pins keep slipping out of the Jaeger connector, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get them to push in far enough to "click" where they won't slip. So I need an XLR 4-pin cable with a properly secured Jaeger connector on the other side. Ideally a short coiled cable just long enough to reach from the XLR connector at the camera to a side-mounted Eclair battery pack. For shipment, I'm located in Portugal. I will pay handsomely if I have to.
  9. Would you be willing to sell the mag and/or battery supply separately?
  10. Here's a video to further explain. Regardless of tension or lack thereof, I'm not even able to get the roller tightened down. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elN8kWzqU8zlwVQETeJc9eNYiteEE2aX/view?usp=sharing
  11. Unfortunately such is not the case for my mag. Could be because I just don't have the proper tools and cannot procure them, I'm on a remote island with limited supply in the Azores, but like I said, there's nothing for that anchor on the end of the spring to even drop into. It's all apart now and I have no idea what to do. Your previous message is frankly entirely beyond my grasp, not even able to understand what you're describing. Could you just provide me with some input on who in Europe might service this magazine? Seems like separate from the the issue with this roller is also the problem I was having with how it takes up film - the o-ring thing on the take up arm. Also probably should just look into getting a French 400 mag, since I have the ACL II with the stronger motor.
  12. Thanks Gregg. Realized the reason I was struggling was because I was trying to make the adjustment with film still in the other side of the mag, not realizing that the screw to remove the assembly is on the other side. Took me a couple days to procure a screwdriver tiny enough to be able to move that slotted screw. When I removed it and the assembly came out, I discovered there is simply no hole for the spring anchor to drop into on the take up side. Nothing at all for the little anchor to hold onto. Here's a photo, not sure if you can tell. Should I try to drill a little hole for the anchor to drop into? The spring itself seems fine...
  13. Thanks a lot Gregg, appreciate this. First, just need a bit more guidance on the idler spring... I'm having trouble removing the roller to adjust the spring. All I've been able to do is turn the slotted screw so as to get it super loose (and now I can't get it tight again). Any knowledge on how that roller comes off so I can get to the spring?
  14. Frank, Unfortunately this doesn't help me. The diagrams are for a 200 mag, and my 400 mag is completely different, particularly the final roller, which the 200-mag doesn't have at all. Surprisingly, there are no such diagrams online for a 400 mag.
  15. I just tried running it, and the film seems to be running fine, except at the take up spool, where a gap starts to gather... See photo here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hQnogn92WNPXb1RkmOXWoUnVNC1WUnCO/view?usp=sharing
  16. Hey Gregg. Thanks so much for this- sorry for the late reply. I was actually able to reorient the idler position to the correct (180 degrees flipped) position just by adjusting the flathead screw - it moves to the other position (like shown in your photos) when you turn that screw counterclockwise. I ran some film through and things seemed to be working/sounding okay, until about 10-20 feet in, when I started hearing bad sounds. Opened up the mag and found a huge mess, and that the tensioner had loosened at bit. What I think I need to know is how tight that tensioner needs to be. As I adjust the flathead screw, it can become quite highly tensioned. How much give does yours have? Here's a video to show what I mean: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AhN4BLulxTZST-YTuGbKUhaDRK7R0MNu/view?usp=sharing
  17. Hi all, I've been using my Eclair with 200-foot mags for awhile now, but I'm currently undergoing my first time ever loading the (English) 400-foot magazine. I can't get it to run properly, and I think I'm having trouble with the final spindle. Photos of my take-up side are uploaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nnyGXLtf85CuCrCTvmhwhp9alw0OUwsP?usp=sharing The arrows do not make clear how one is to route film with respect to the final spindle, and with the little smaller spring-loaded black spindle that extends off of it. The only way that makes sense to me is for it to go up and over the top of the black spindle, as is shown in Photo 2, but when I do, the film immediately bulges up above the black spindle, like shown in Photo 1. What is the right way for it to go? Somehow there are no existing resources online for this particular magazine, not even in the ACL manuals. I saw one post on here where the magazine had the black spindle in the opposite position (below the bigger silver one it's attached to). Any help is appreciated.
  18. Great condition, ships next day from California. Shutter button is tested and working. Asking $300. Photos available upon request!
  19. Looking for Non-RX Switar C mount lenses, particularly 10mm but likely also interested in a 16mm. Lmk!
  20. And finally... If I have a TS to Arri-S adapter, can I use this lens on an ACL?
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