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My Gear


Found 13 results

  1. FOR SALE: P+S Kowa Evolution 2X - Set of 3 (32/50/75) - € 37.500 Recently serviced, no fungus / haze / scratches on glass. I'm selling my P+S Kowa Evolution 2X lens set, purchased from Teltec in Germany and lightly used. As the original owner, I've decided to sell because my current directing work doesn't utilize them, and it's a shame to let such quality lenses go unused. The set has been recently serviced and is in excellent condition, with no scratches, haze, or fungus on the glass, and only minor markings on the housings that don't affect their performance. These lenses are known for their sharpness and classic Kowa aesthetic. Set consists out of: Evolution 2X 32mm T2.4, PL Evolution 2X 50mm T2.4 PL Evolution 2X 75mm T2.5 PL Full-res photos: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/g0lqf170zpn4o8zyjkwxe/AJpUTYn6s8_B6GPOYS5d_Rk?rlkey=5o7y3bz9k57o24tw0d5piowwc&dl=0 Price includes a Peli Case 1510. Available in 1040 Vienna, Austria. Set can be picked up or shipped globally (buyer pays for shipment). Price is negotiable and does not include VAT.
  2. For Sale A set of 6 Cooke Mini S4's PL Mount Lenses $29,500.00 I know these pictures are not the best each however lens will be inspected and serviced if need be prior to shipping. They have been lightly used. For more information you can either call or Text 917-499-9596 or email barbara@newprovideo.com 18,25,32,50,75 & 100mm I can also switch out the 100mm for a 135mm for additional cost or the 21mm for the 25mm at no additional cost.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/384545645331?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Asking Price: $15,000 Rare opportunity here friends, I am currently selling my Todd-AO 35 2x Anamorphic 40-240mm f/4.2 Varifocal Cinema Zoom lens with its original casing. This once in a blue moon piece of glass from the 1970s is used with signs of ware external ware, though in perfect working condition with no loss of optical quality. It is made with a BNCR mount, which may be converted to match any other full frame lens mount which supports BNCR flange depth (IE a PL mount for example). This is a vintage anamorphic cinema zoom lens from the 1970s which comes with its original casing. Todd-AO’s are known for their incomparable violet anamorphic flares matched with a sharp yet distinct image. If this is a lens you can’t let slip by, click the link to my eBay page at the top of the forum. If an eBay account isn’t your thing, feel free to send me a direct message. Other than eBay, I will only accept PayPal. Item will ship once payment has gone through, and I will handle the shipping costs. All sales are final. Feel free to reach out with any further questions!
  4. Zeiss 21mm f/2.8 lens with optional lens gear. The manual aperture can be de-clicked upon request. It comes with an optional slip-on lens gear. The optics are rectilinear with very little distortion. It's a great lens for MoVi or Steadicam. Unlike most wide lenses, you don't have to worry about putting your talent in front of it. The lens has been treated very gently and is in like new condition. The mount works with ANY camera. I have tested it on Sony and Canon cameras. $1000. PM me to purchase it.
  5. Zeiss ZF.2 35mm f/1.4 lens with optional lens gear. The manual aperture can be de-clicked upon request. This lens is beautiful at f/2.8 in my opinion. It's been treated very gently and is in near new condition. The mount can be adapted to ANY camera. I have used it on both a Sony and Canon camera. $1200. PM me to purchase it.
  6. Currently valued at $73,000 new, this Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm cinema lens is in excellent condition, having only been used on 5 jobs by a single owner. The lens is clear and free of any optical issues, with an incredibly fast aperture speed of t2.8, and no breathing or ramping. This Angenieux lens is known for its stunning contrast and color reproduction, and maintaining high optical quality across its wide range. This lens comes with a handle, Pelican and ATA cases, rods, and a baseplate. (Price does not include shipping.)
  7. Hi, this is a bit of a long shot, but this lens would be great for any experienced cinematographer/DP. Currently valued at $73,000 new, this Angenieux Optima 24-290mm cinema lens is in excellent condition, having only been used on 5 jobs by a single owner. The lens is clear and free of any optical issues, with an incredibly fast aperture speed of t2.8, and no breathing or ramping. This Angenieux lens is known for its stunning contrast and color reproduction, and maintaining high optical quality across its wide range. This lens comes with a handle, Pelican and ATA cases, rods, and a baseplate. Serious inquiries only!
  8. Hey, Selling off my gear to finance out next project. I have the following: RED Helium Carbon Fiber Brain 60 Hours - Non- Transferable Arri / Zeiss Ultra Prime 14mm and 65mm PL Mount Cinema Lenses Zeiss CP.2 PL Mount 5 set 15,21,35,50,85 Please contact me directly at anytime. We're located on the East Coast and will travel and ship anywhere under certain circumstances. Thank You. 929 352 5842
  9. For sale Optimo 24-290 with case. in Very nice condition. Contact me for pricing.
  10. I am selling 1 x Canon CN-E 14.5-60mm PL Mount - Excellent Condition - Like New - With Case - Optional EF mount if interested Price: $22,000.00 Including Delivery Please email me for more info and Photos. Thank you JF
  11. Selling two complimentary Angenieux Zooms. The 16-42 and 30-80mm. These are lightweight, high performance lenses that work together great as a team. T2.8. I'm the original owner of the glass, always well maintained and cared for. Located in LA, will ship to you. Price for both lenses: $25,000. Price for just one lens: $13,500. You can see photos of the lenses here Let me know if you have any questions, you can email me at macritchie@gmail.com or 213-361-6673
  12. For sale - single owner/operator Canon 30-105 T2.8 Cine Zoom with Duclos Multi Mount (EF/PL). A fantastic work horse of a lens that we've gotten great use out of on the Epic, Amira, and C300. Both elements in pristine condition, well cared for lens. Has lived in custom Inner Cases Flight Case since purchase from Duclos in December of 2013. $19,000 includes: - Canon 30-105 T 2.8 Cine Zoom with MultiMount - Inner Cases Flight Case - 15mm Rods - Element Technica lens support (15mm) Will gladly drop by Abel Cine or Duclos to allow for inspection. Duclos preferred. Don't hesitate to contact with questions. cameron@camerontrejofilms.com Cheers.
  13. For sale - single owner/operator Canon 30-105 T2.8 Cine Zoom with Duclos Multi Mount (EF/PL). A fantastic work horse of a lens that we've gotten great use out of on the Epic, Amira, and C300. In pristine condition, well cared for lens. Has lived in custom Inner Cases Flight Case since purchase from Duclos in December of 2013. $20,000 includes: - Canon 30-105 T 2.8 Cine Zoom with MultiMount - Inner Cases Flight Case - 15mm Rods - Element Technica lens support (15mm) Will gladly drop by Abel Cine or Duclos to allow for inspection. Duclos preferred. Don't hesitate to contact with questions. cameron@camerontrejofilms.com Cheers.
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