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  1. The Advertising Archive always produces amazing material. Never bored, even while waiting for the 4K scanner to materialize. Selection from Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. I will be doing a shoot in jungle. I want to know how can I control the day outdoor light. The weather condition around here is sometimes rainy and hard sunlight. I want to do various scene in different lighting, so please help on how I can create the different lighting scene 1. diffused lighting on character and the surrounding trees. 2. hard side light to fall in character face. 3. using top sun light for a day murder scene. ( i want to use a lot of highlight in the scene, how it would be as using top sun light? and what precaution are required ) Kindly help me with what hmi, or solars i can use and how to use it I want to have a bit of contrast between the character and background ( i want the character to be 1 stop up and the surrounding to be 1 stop down )
  3. Hello to everyone, This summer I will go in East Asia to shoot a small documentary, and I will be for one week in the middle of the jungle, my concern is how to charge the camera batteries and how to run the laptop for bump the cards. There is something different to carry an heavy small generator? Thank you in advance. Eloy
  4. Im scouting for a film now where one of the main locations is very dense forest with a solid canopy. The undergrowth is green, the leaves are green, the moss is green, the light even feels green. The tree trunks have very little character and are skinny. I do have a fogger setup and it has tested well- so at least I can bring areas out from what looks like an infinity of skinny trees and greenness. The sun is almost nonexistent, save for some very small dappled beams. My question to you is how can I bring the characters out- especially in the wider shots -without it looking lit or fake? Ill use negative fill when possible and I have some 8x & 12x frames w/ rags and a couple 1.2 hmis. Its a remote location and tiny budget. I was just surprised to see how flat the light was and how a person gets swallowed by the busy yet uniform environment. Oh- and the actors are wearing dull colors-jeans, dark sweatshirts, etc. I will ask wardrobe get a little color contrast against the green environment. Thanks,
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