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High microcontrast lenses

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Hello, I own a set of Zeiss ZF which i use for cinematography. I love the microcontrast / image fidelity / background separation / 3d pop effect... as you want to name it. I infer that lenses with less than 7-9 eelements will enhance the effect. However some Zeiss wide angles have more elements and a phenomenal pop like the Distagon 25mm f2.

This is my favorite feature of lenses. I privilege microcontrast way more than sharpness or corrected aberrations. I haven't tried voigtlander lenses but I know they have similar rendering. Do you know other lenses —excluding the super expensive ones— that have high microcontrast? I would like to buy more lenses like this.

Here I attach two photos shot with the Distagon 25mm f2 ZF.2 to illustrate what I'm talking about.



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