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Squishy lens

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So like I have stated before, I am currently in film school. I am shooting a film about a homeless man who goes into and out of vivid hallucinations of a different life. I am trying to figure out a way, in camera, to convey to the audience when he is leaving reality. I was told about the clairmont Squishy lens. However, I dont have the money to rent one. We will be shooting on a Arri SR2. Is there anyother cheap way to pull off some kind of cool visual affect similar to the Squishy lens?

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You could try shooting through a glass object which is right up against the lens. Ive seen it done with a thin square vase and as you turn it the distortion moves across the frame. If it helps it was also shot with an sr2. Easy to test as well. I'm not familiar with the squishy lens but this might be a simple budget soloution.

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for a super low budget glass effect, go to hobby lobby, or some other craft store that sells stained glass and pickup a couple pieces of glass, clearer is better, be creative but know that you have to see through it to get some image that is understandable. tape the glass to the lens or if you are crafty buy a plunger and cut a lens sized hole in it. Tape the stained glass to it and bingo a squishy lens for like $15.

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