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Exactly how did they do the Superman titles?

Karel Bata

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I can think of several ways it was done. Obviously motion control is involved. But were there rostrum rigs capable back then of doing this? Or did it involve using a huge rig and shooting lettering several inches tall?


Note that the thickness is greater when not 'zooming' and there's a clear mix from one to the other, so two sets of lettering were used. Back then you had to get it right in camera! :blink:


The end titles were all stuck on black card sitting upright on the studio floor (the long process stage at Pinewood is my guess) and the camera tracks backwards over them. It gave the effect that they are receding physically behind each other (which they are) off into space. A giveaway as to how it was done is that in the distance they start to overlap and the edges of the cards begin to show. It runs for several minutes!


One of my favorite 'real' lettering credits was Doug Trumbull's for Brainstorm in which they tracked while zooming in on model letters so you got that weird change in perspective. was good to see in 70mm in theatres that had it.


Here's how the opening looked in 2006 using CG.

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Looks like it was much the same as how they did the original:



I love those stills Tim! So I was wrong? It was Superman 3?




So they were tiny...


How exactly does slitscreen work? Or should I just google that? :(


Anyhows, I found brainstorm:



Imagine that in 70mm!

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Me too.


Meanwhile this is cult viewing among the post houses in Soho (in London!) and used to be handed around on DVD before it appeared on YouTube. I worked with that Brit you see doing the flying in '2010' many years ago in a stage production of Peter Pan starring (wait for it!) Lulu. He supervised the flying, and I was the laser operator - so in effect I was Tinkerbell :lol: Don't tell anyone!



To watch full screen go here

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Very cheesy titles. Nicely done though. Definitely not CG.


I was told a story by Tim Burrill, Supergirl's producer, that they made the mistake of doing the European launch at Cannes, where it's not the kind of film they really care about, and at the press screening no-one came. :o

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