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Hello Folks,

I'm looking for any type of shortends for testing few of my cameras and also doing some experimental stuff. I'm really tight on budget so cheaper for me is better. I'm intrested in Kodak, Agfa, Orwo, Svema, Fuji, and others. B&W, Color, Reversal and Negative.if shipping to Vilnius, Lithuania is ok for you. Thanks.


nojusdra at gmail dot com



Hi, Alex!
I really wanted to afford that, but i search for little shortends for less money. I could offer you half the price, but, i don't want to offend you that way (Well, if it's ok for you then i take it!). That's a good price, I just need it more cheaper. Thank you very much.

P.S. I couldn't write you P.M.

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