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Ype Poortinga

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Everything posted by Ype Poortinga

  1. It is not specifiek about the look but at the we site http://www.we.nl you can find the making of of this ad.
  2. Making off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aylD07R1kk...%20any%20wonder
  3. I noticed the same problem when using older cooke lensens on a mini35 adaptor, I think it has something to do with the older lenses not covering the whole super35 area,
  4. Here's a setup I shot 2 weeks ago It's shot on super16 vision2 500t A par-can with a spot bulb hits a bounce-board with silverbounce on te right side, the fill on her face is coming from a white bounce-board on te left site.
  5. the srIII has a new gate design which makes the movement steadier, and it does have a viewfinder which is much brighter then the old one.
  6. I heard from someone that he had some troubles with the 10mm ultra prima on a arri sr3, but I don't know anymore what the exact issue was? Maybe someone else here who has worked with that combination.
  7. Hey, I'm thinking about using a anamorphic lens with a mini35 set on a dvx100 for an upcoming project. Does anyone know a way to unsqueeze the image on the set? Using the 16:9 button on the monitor will of course help a bit, but is not a total solution
  8. and to give the music stations a place to put their ads/logo's and sms message's in ;-)
  9. Which one is the better choise for outdoor scenes in a super16 production in terms of grain and sharpness, vision2 500t corrected with the 85 filter or the vision 250d?
  10. There is also the 16 scope lens, built by a frensman, Thierry Tronchet, which was used for the film "Japon" (btw. the camera used for the film is for sale on this forum). I found some information about the lens on http://forum.europeanservers.net/cgi-bin/d.eur?5000628 The lens is a anamorpic adaptor which you put in front of your lenses (you can use lensen from 10mm to 65mm) Are there any people with experiences on this lens?
  11. another good one to read is "picture composition" by peter ward, which coveres everything mentioned above http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846
  12. 8 mile contains a lot of steadicam shots, I think dat pietro's newer film, 21 gramms is a beter reference for handheld shooting
  13. For the DVX100 you need the mini35 not the pro 35 (more info on http://www.pstechnik.de)
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