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Erik J. Weber

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Everything posted by Erik J. Weber

  1. Hey guys, Well, this seems about the end of the road for me for a little while. I lost my posthouse job and need to cut to the bone in order to save my house. As a result, two item's that'll be hitting eBay tonight are my Bolex H16 and Canon 814XLS. Used them both for a slew of shorts and projects, the Canon in particular looks like it was manufactured yesterday: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270489797474 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270489831853 They include a bunch of accessories, filters, books, etc. They go live at 9pm EST/6pm PST (clicking them before then will only take you to a sign in page). Good luck to anyone interested, send questions to heathenclerk at gmail dot com. Best, Erik
  2. Hey, Have to pay a few bills and so must sell one soldier from my arsenal. Up for auction on eBay is the above, I set it to start at a dollar (though please try and pick it up for a few more than that): http://cgi.ebay.com/Bolex-EBM-with-400-Mag...93%3A1|294%3A50 Thanks and please submit questions here or to: erikjw1980 [at] gmail.com Erik
  3. Two speeds listed are 'slow' and 'normal'. Unsure as to whether this could mean 18fps and 24fps. Erik
  4. Hey guys, Found two of these suckers, new in box, all tags still applied. Selling off my extra to anyone interested. The damn thing is perfect! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270264380555 Will consider trades for accessories to my Canon 814-XLS. Erik
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270242630516 Listed the darn thing. Erik
  6. I'm open about the price, pm or email me with an offer. Erik
  7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/heathenclerk/...57605197072223/ I meant to list this on eBay last year but never had the chance; here's the original post: "Just thought I'd post here before hitting eBay - I've got a Eyemo w/ spider turret and the three lenses, all the wind cranks, case and 400' beautiful wooden 1912 magazine that I'm going to have to unload. I purchased everything last summer to get cleaned and shined up but have not yet had the time to do so. The camera winds and runs (thought it could use some oil) and the only defect is the foot on one side of the camera's door has broken off and would either need to have a replacement thrown on or taped. Let me know if there's any interest in this, I'm open to offers for a few days before I shoot over to eBay, and would prefer this camera get some TLC that I cannot provide due to my busy schedule. It was owned by a war vet and I was informed that it was used in the European theater. Pictures can be provided upon request, of course." I'm basically looking to sell it in order to fix up my two Bolexes, which need various minor work. The link above should also satisfy the Eyemo photo enthusiasts that were interested in seeing it originally. Thanks! Erik tvc-one-five@excite.com
  8. Hey guys, Much appreciate the help on finding a BVV-5 last month, I'm almost done playing Dr. Frankenstein and hope to get started on my silly little internet tv show but still need a BVP-7 viewfinder/mic and a BVP-7 battery(s) + charger. Any and all help is extremely appreciated - please email me at heathenclerk@gmail.com. Thanks! Erik heathenclerk@gmail.com
  9. Hey - Short and sweet - seeking a Sony BVV-5 dockable BetaSP to slap onto my old BVP-7 to play around with. Email me (heathenclerk@gmail.com) if you have one you want to get rid of. May have some 16mm/35mm stuff to trade if interested, or just plain ol cash. Erik
  10. Hey, Just thought I'd post here before hitting eBay - I've got a Eyemo w/ spider turret and the three lenses, all the wind cranks, case and 400' beautiful wooden 1912 magazine that I'm going to have to unload. I purchased everything last summer to get cleaned and shined up but have not yet had the time to do so. The camera winds and runs (thought it could use some oil) and the only defect is the foot on one side of the camera's door has broken off and would either need to have a replacement thrown on or taped. Let me know if there's any interest in this, I'm open to offers for a few days before I shoot over to eBay, and would prefer this camera get some TLC that I cannot provide due to my busy schedule. It was owned by a war vet and I was informed that it was used in the European theater. Pictures can be provided upon request, of course. Thanks, Erik tvc-one-five@excite.com
  11. Filming went quite well, we took a trip out to a recycling plant in dirty ass Trenton (NJ), shot the whole timelapse of the graffiti art on two carts of Velvia, plus got some nice insert shots using my Bolex Rex5 and a 100' roll of Plus X reversal b/w. During the timelapse I picked the camera up a few times to slowly move it toward the painting, got some good closeups and whatnot, using the remainder of the second roll I shot a bunch of misc. insert shots that could be further used to break up the timelapse as a whole. Will post in a couple weeks once I have it all edited along with a prior short I shot on Velvia and Ektachrome to test the camera out involving a friend of mine and his videogame induced daydream. Thanks for all the help, Erik
  12. Hey, Yeah actually I'll be breaking it up with my Rex 5 Bolex with black and white film for shooting stuff around the fringes of the frame, playing around, etc. Thanks for the help! Erik
  13. Hi, I have a question about using the Canon 814 xls - the manual I have oddly is missing a few pages that happen to inform the owner about the shutter angle dial - can anyone tell me what shutter angle the sunlight icon stands for and what angle the odd grid icon stands for? Also, I am planning on shooting a timelapse of a friend of mine painting a large graffiti-painting - with plans to shoot it 1 frame per second (takes about an hour) on my Velvia in broad daylight, which shutter angle should I use, 150 degree or 220? I would prefer a sharper image, but would it look too jumpy due to potential strobing? Thanks, Erik
  14. Hey guys, I'm planning to shoot a timelapse short of a friend of mine creating a giant graffiti painting on the side of the building this weekend with my Canon 814-xls, however, I am a bit turned around as to what to set the camera to. He says that the painting should take about an hour, and therefore I wanted to sync up the timelapse so that the one hour gets compressed onto the 50' reel, 2 1/2 minutes of Velvia that I bought (also got a second cart in case it runs over). What calculation should be performed to get this right in reference to the camera's settings? I am a bit confused because the 814xls manual isn't entirely clear as to what the 5 and 20 second dials on the timed filming knob do, thought I'm guessing it's one frame every five seconds or one frame every 20 seconds? Or maybe one second every five seconds, or one second every 20 seconds? Help! Thanks, Erik
  15. No, I wanted to shoot off some footage with my Bolexes for fun with my friend who is leaving for the Phillipines, not giving him the Bolexes to use over there. Get a better command of the English language then call someone who'll listen. Erik :angry:
  16. Hi hi, This weekend I am shooting some footage to test my Bolex H-16 with a friend of mine this weekend before he leaves for seven months in a prod. co. in the Phillipines, and just realized that the hand winding crank is missing! I am located on the Jersey Shore, does anyone have one/know where to get one that I can buy/trade for or borrow for a few hours? Help! Erik Weber tvc-one-five@excite.com
  17. Hey all, I recently acquired a Bolex EBM and a Rex-5 plus motor and was trying to find a site or someone who had a power source or two I could use to hook up to these monsters. Do not have XLR conversions or anything on them, just the original connections. Help! Thanks Erik
  18. Yes but if he is shooting outdoors at complete nighttime, ie - no dusk/sun whatsoever, then wouldn't it be approximately 500T as lighting would be provided by various artificial lights, whether indoors or out? -Erik
  19. Hmm oddly enough I shot test footage last weekend using Velvia 50D and Ekta 64T - with the Velvia, my Canon 814 xls purred like a quiet kitten. With the 64T it sounded like "a garbage truck driving through a nitro-glycerin factory", to quote Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Haven't gotten the footage back so I dunno if it meant anything, but I found it startling as I shot the Velvia first and wasn't expecting the racket that came with the 64T. Erik
  20. the whole argument is kind of beside the point anyway since the film cassette design is so unstable and sloppy. You don't need a crinkly filter or the lack thereof to degrade your image--the cassette takes care of it! Haha, lovely. Erik
  21. Super imaginative - I wish I had more stuff like this on film with my friends and I from a few years ago when we all had a little more time - unfortunately all that was done on mid-nineties poop-eo and the quality has degraded much since then. Any word when we might see this elusive exclusive Japan footage? (as a side note, I have a friend doing the JET program in Japan, and, though not film, he's been doing a fairly regular video journal of it - pretty neat: www.myspace.com/matthixson) Erik
  22. Hmm, I'm about to test out a Canon 814-xls that I picked up the other day myself with some Velvia 50D reversal, and have heard much on making sure to 'not overexpose, hit dead on' exposure for reversal. Would it be recommended to overexpose two stops then pull on reversal? Would the shadows be more detailed and/or should that be reserved for more 'magic hour' or noir-ish shots? Or should I go with the 'hit it dead on' advice? Sorry for all the questions, just want to try and get the best image possible ;) Erik
  23. Adam, How well did the barney work on such a noisy cam? Erik
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